Chapter 14

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Special update to celebrate chapter 1 having more than 100 views yay!🥳

Jade Leywin POV

"What was that?" dad asks me as he gets up after I removed the earthen restraints I used

"That was one of the abilities I have thanks to my beast will" I explain

"Oh, then I guess it's more than funny looking eyes" dad comments with a smirk

"What's wrong with my eyes?"

"Just check yourself"

I conjure an ice mirror and held it in front of my face, I could see my hair got slightly darker and my canines are a little longer but the biggest change were my eyes, my sclera was completely black while my irises were golden with vertical slits


As I check my appearance everyone reaches us

"Jade, What did I say about not destroying the garden?" mom mentions with a slightly exasperated voice while shaking her head pointing to the mess I made in the ground

"Sorry" I apologize with a sheepish tone

"You're as impressive as always Jade" Tabitha compliments me

"Brother strong!" Ellie exclaims still excited about the fight (A.N. I have no idea how to write baby speech so just imagine her doing so)

"I still can't believe we're the same age" Lilia adds

"So what do you think of my beast will" I question dad

"I think it'll be really useful, since you're a conjurer being able to slip away from your enemies like that will be invaluable, this way it'll be incredibly difficult to force you to fight close range" dad replies seriously, despite his goofy personality when it comes to fighting he becomes pretty serious

"Yeah and on that topic do you think I can learn some daggers techniques?"

"Why? With that ability it's almost impossible to corner you" dad remarks confused

"Yeah but there will be times where I might be forced to fight close range besides since I can augment myself it'll be a waste to not learn at least some basic moves, I won't change my fighting style but I want to increase my repertoire so I have more options" I clarify

"But why daggers specifically?" mom questions curious about my sudden interest

"Well I need a weapon which is easy to carry around and that I can use for some quick attacks in case someone sneaks up to me, as I said I'm not going to change my fighting style, I'll keep fighting from long range but having something I can rely on just in case will be useful" also once I reach silver stage and above the differeces between augmenter and conjurer disappear so might as well start training now

"Well if you want to learn we can ask Jasmine to show you the ropes the next time the Twin horns visits, knowing you I'm sure you'll be fine after that; actually I already expect some crazy moves from you" dad suggests

"They will be here next month" mom adds

"Don't tell Vincent or he'll insist on throwing another party in which you guys will just drink until you pass out" Tabitha declares

We all laugh at this knowing this is exactly waht would happen.

"So, what else can you do?" dad asks me curiously

"Well right now I can use 2 abilities [shadow step] which is what I used now allows me to travel through shadows although there's a limit to how far I can go if the shadows aren't interconnected, the other one is [nightmare] I can induce fear, panic and dread with it"

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