Chapter 5

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Jade Leywin POV

|10 months later|

Since telling Art the truth, or at least part of the truth, we got a lot closer, though to be fair it's not like we could talk before since we didn't have enough control over our facial muscles to properly speak until recently, that said since we could only talk to each other we couldn't exactly strike a conversation with the other kids in Ashber, so despite my revelations he still viewed me as his brother.

As for our training dad decided to train us both, making us run around the backyard to build our stamina, while I had the intention of training my body since I know that the difference between augmenters and conjurers disappears as one enters the silver stages, I was planning to do so once my body had developed a little bit more and while I could augment myself a little without being detected I choose to not do so in order to avoid more intensive training.

Not that I wanted to slack off of course but I wanted more time to follow my own training regiment specifically I trained my sensory magic, being a conjurer I know that if something manages to sneak up to me and attack from a close range I'm screwed, while I technically can augment myself I still have zero combat skill or experience, with that in mind I trained 3 different sensory abilities: the first was the basic perception of mana all mages possess, I worked on expanding my range and improving my accuracy right now if I fully focus on this spell I can easily sense everything around me in a 1 km radius, of course when I'm just keeping it active subconsciously I can only perceive things in a 400 m radius and I can't sense things that have a too small mana signature, the second ability I worked on was the technique elder Camus used, the ability to map out your surroundings using the air movement, as for its range and accuracy it was smaller than basic mana perception but that's probably due to my limited core so it should improve as my core advances, the last ability I worked on was my seismic sense, being able to map out my surroundings and find out if something is hiding underground, while right now this ability isn't much useful once the war begins and we'll be clearing dungeons it'll be a great asset.

As for Art I taught him mana rotation, since he would learn it either way from Sylvia, this way maybe she'll teach him something else in the time they will spend together, other than that I advised him to spar with dad as much as he could in order to get used to his new body as I know this will be an issue down the line and he will resort to limit his magic in order to sort it out, if he manages to get used on his body now he'll be able to focus on his magic when we'll be adventures.

Last month dad "taught" us how to meditate to purify our cores and checked on them, while he was surprised when he discovered that Art was already at the bottleneck of the black stage, he fell from his chair when he learned that I was already at the bottleneck of the light red stage.

At this discovery talk about getting us a mentor in Xyrus city resumed, and while mom put on a much fiercer resistance than she did in the novel we managed to talk her into going to Xyrus, we would depart the next month since the twin horns would come visit us before going to Xyrus themselves so we can join them.

While I'm not sure about the exact day, since there is no accurate indication of time in the novel I'm sure I can leave the managing of the exact time window to Sylvia.

Despite the fact than it has never been confirmed in the novel I am sure she sent Art in the Elshire forest at that specific time knowing he would save Tessia, as for why she did so I have no idea but she definitely did that on purpose, since the portal was supposed to take Art somewhere in Sapin and yet he ended up in Elenoir and there's just no way that a dragon like Sylvia with centuries, if not millennia, of experience in aether arts and that specialized in the spatium branch could possibly mess up a portal by that much.

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