Chapter 67

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Jade Leywin POV


"Jade, how about slowing down and taking this easy?" Aya told ms through our Lance rings, we recently had Gideon modify them to turn them into communication artifacts

I was currently soaring through the sky outside of the flying Castle and boy was this fun, this is by far the best perk of being a white core mage

I sped up and started doing some backflips and some spins in the air before canceling the flight spell and let myself freefall, as the ground approached faster and faster I reactivated the spell and caught my fall, I started flying vertically upwards quickly regaining altitude, as I reached the correct altitude again I started flying straight forward

Let's see how fast I am, I thought

"Jade seriously SLOW DOWN!" Aya yelled

I looked back and I could see I was basically leaving her behind, we spent the last 2 hours doing basic practice on how to fly as she taught me how to hover in place, how to fly straight, how to turn and how to land without crashing into the ground

I slowed down until I simply hovered in place and waited for Aya to catch up to me, a minute later she arrived and started hovering beside me, she was a little short on breath and glared at me

"I told you to take it easy! This is your first time flying remember" Aya scolded me

"And how in the world are you already better than me at flying?" she stated exasperated


"Well since you already learned how to fly let's get back, you need to get ready before you go to Xyrus" she stated and she started flying towards the Castle

We entered the open hangar that as usual was bustling with activity with soldiers going in and out on flying mounts to patrol the skies around the Castle and to check the various supplies sent here, while we have the network of portals for security reasons only a handful of those can be connected to the Castle, specifically only the ones the Lances carried and those placed in Xyrus City, Zestier, Etistin and Vildorial, as we landed I noticed Virion and my parents waiting for us

"So, how did your little flying lesson go?" Virion asked

"In a way very good, in another very bad" Aya replied

"Please elaborate Aya"

"Well somehow he's already more skilled than me at flying so in that regards the lesson went incredibly well, too bad he stopped listening to me after half an hour and started flying around with me trying and mostly failing to keep up" Aya explained

"Flying is great" I said with a big goofy smile on my face

"Yeah I noticed you were having a blast out there" Aya commented

"Well it's refreshing to see you act like an actual teenager for once" Virion mused with a grin

"We'll talk about this later Jade, it's late and you still have to get ready, the ceremony will start in an hour" mom interrupted us reminding me that we were on a fairly tight schedule

Today there would be Xyrus Academy closing ceremony and since we couldn't make it last year we wanted to be there for Ellie, especially since this year she was the SC president and would have to give a speech in front of the whole student body and the various parents that would be present to watch their children's graduation

"I'll take a quick shower and get ready" I said and started running towards my room

Half an hour later we were at the teleportation room, I was wearing my formal Lance uniform since this would be an important occasion with plenty of nobles present mom insisted I wore something formal to not embarrass Ellie and this was the formal outfit I found easiest to move in

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