Chapter 23

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Jade Leywin POV

Putting on my cloak I took one last look at myself in the mirror, I was wearing my adventurer clothes which consisted in a midnight blue shirt underneath a leather armor that covered my chest and part of my abdomen (anything else and it would hinder my movements), black pants made of some thick fabric with a leather belt and black leather boots that stopped just below my knees, I had my daggers strapped on the belt, my dimensional ring on my left index finger and my conjurer ring on my right middle finger

Exiting my room I reached everyone downstairs, mom, dad and Ellie were still in their pajamas since it was barely dawn, Art and Jasmine looked just like in the novel, while Mai was wearing her adventurer garb which consisted in kneehigh boots with tight black leather pants, a wide belt with several pouches and her daggers strapped at the end of her back, white shirt underneath a dark green leather armor which similar to mine only barely covered her vitals, she was also wearing metal armor on her forearms and shins

"Took you long enough, how come a guy is the last one to get ready?" Mai commented

"Sorry, so everyone's ready to go?" I asked

"Yep, we were waiting for you" Art said

"Okay Art, Jade I know you two are strong but don't be overconfident and listen to Jasmine alright?" dad told us

"I still can't believe I actually agreed to this" mom said talking to herself

Before she could change her mind we stepped out of the palace and climbed on the carriage that would take us to the teleportation gate linked with Xyrus City, once there we headed to the adventurers guild and showed the clerk behind the counter the letter king Alduin gave us, she immediately escorted us to Kaspian's office and thanks to the recommendation letter we skipped the rank exam and got placed straight into B class which was the highest he could give us without test

While we were there I deployed some of the spy-golems I kept in my new dimensional ring so they would keep tabs of Nico and Lucas, while I was planning to simply steer away from the Dire Tombs so the elderwood guardian would do the dirty job for me I needed to be sure they would join the dive if they didn't I was planning to either poison them or have Yozora kill them this way I would remove a scythe from joining the war and I would greatly diminish the probability of Agrona successfully summoning Cecilia also I would remove Lucas so Bairon won't antagonize Art and I guess by extension me during the war

After handling the paperwork which involved giving our alias for our adventures cards (I choose Kuro while Art choose Note just like the novel, Mai on the other hand just used her real name) we headed back to the teleportation gate the one linked with the beast glades this time and crossed it, immediately I could feel my core purifying faster most likely due to the high concentration of mana here

'Okay I'll return to my hunting then' Yozora spoke up

'Okay thank you for coming back for the trip by the way, also I have 2 favors to ask' I replied

'Sure what do you need?'

'First I think you should hunt with Sylvie, maybe not the whole time but help her whenever you can so she can grow stronger faster, second well if you hunt down S class and above mana beasts with a fire or plant attribute could check the cores before eating them?' I asked

'You want their beast wills right?' she was spot on

'Yeah, I know you need those cores but it would really help dad to have a powerful beast will once the war begins also since we will not go to Dire Tombs Tessia won't have her will as well so if you can find a replacement it would be great' I explained

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