Chapter 21

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Mai Grephin POV

"Haa-haa" I am currently in the training grounds of the royal palace trying to kill some time as mom dragged me here to assist at princess Tessia's engagement, from what I heard she's getting engaged with a human boy, elder Virion's disciple

I just hope human boys are better than elven ones, everything those pompous fools ever did was looking down at me, scorn me and talk behind my back all of this just because I don't have a father, mom never said anything about him and I never asked why should I ask about someone who abandoned us?

Ever since I awakened 3 years ago the fools even have the gall of asking for my hand as if I don't know they're after house Grephin's prestige, do they seriously think I'm an idiot that I didn't notice the condescending, almost pitying look in their eyes behind those fake smiles

To hell, I don't need them, I need to get strong so mom will be able to rely on me, she always does her best for me

"These are the training grounds" I heard a voice coming from the entrance

Turning around I could see princess Tessia leading a group of human children 2 boys and 2 girls, the boys and one of the girls seemed roughly my age while the other girl was younger

"So how many times did you blow up this place Art?" the boy with chestnut hair asked grinning

"Not nearly as many times as you blew up the backyard of Heltea manor" the boy with auburn hair answered

"Oh, Mai what are you doing here?" princess Tessia noticed me and greeted me

"Good afternoon princess, I was just training" I said bowing

"How many times have I told you to call me Tess?" the princess exclaimed

"I'm afraid I can't act so disrespectfully towards you princess" I replied and the princess just pouted at this

"If I may ask who are these people princess?" I guess one of the boys is princess Tessia's soon-to-be fiance but I don't know which one

"Oh right, ahem this is Arthur Leywin my fiance" she said gesturing to the auburn haired boy

"Here are his twin brother Jade and little sister Eleanor" the princess continued gesturing the chestnut haired boy and the little girl

"And this here is Lilia Heltea" the princess said gesturing to the brown haired girl

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, I am Mai Grephin" I said as I introduced myself

"Grephin? Grephin as in Aya Grephin?" Jade asked surprised

"Yes that's my mother" I replied

"Woah, you must be strong then" he said excited

"I guess so" I know I am better than almost anyone our age at least

"Hey since we finished looking around the castle why don't we stay here and train a little?" Jade asked

"Well I guess we don't have anything to do until dinner" Arthur replied

"And on that note, can I ask for a spar with you?" Jade turned towards me and asked


"I see you use daggers as well and since you're Mrs. Aya's daughter I assume you must be quite skilled, I want to see if I can learn something from you" he answered me with a smile, hmm well at least he's not arrogant

"Okay" I agree to the spar and we go to one of the raised platforms, after we climbed up I can see Arthur fiddling with the controls and a mana barrier forms around the platform

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