Chapter 60

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Jade Leywin POV

The light of the morning sun entered my room through the window and woke me up, I rubbed my eyes and groggily opened them, I was feeling a weight pressing on my left side so I turned towards it

I saw Mai laying there using my left arm as a pillow, slowly turning around making sure to not wake her I embraced her

I want to stay like this for the rest of the day, I thought as I tried to go back to sleep, luckily I didn't fall asleep before perceiving a certain someone's mana signature approaching my room

"OH SHIT!" I yelled as I jolted up

"Urgh... Jade *yawn* what the hell?" Mai stirred awake and she sat up on the bed rubbing her eyes

She looked at me and then she looked down, noticing she was naked she blushed and usef the bed sheets to cover herself

"You do realise it's a little pointless to do that now right? I've already seen everything" I commented pointing at her body

She just shot me a glare and threw one of the pillows at me, I dodged the pillow and chuckled

"Okay, no time for this, my mom is coming here" I told her remembering why I jolted up

Her eyes widened in horror as her blush disappeared instantly her face paling, a split second later she forgot everything about being shy and threw the bed sheets covering her aside jumping out of the bed, she started frantically searching for her clothes across the room

"Don't you have spare clothes in your dimensional ring?" I asked confused

"Yes, but if she comes in and sees my clothes randomly scattered across the room it won't take a genius to understand what happened last night idiot!" she yelled at me, luckily the soundproofing barrier I casted last night was still active

"Right, I guess I should help you" I said getting out of the bed and started looking for her clothes

Half a minute later she stored all the clothes she wore last night in her dimensional ring and withdrew some clean clothes as well and started dressing

"We need to find a way to hide you" I said as I retrieved some underwear and a pair of shorts and out them on

"Can't I just sneak back to my room?" she asked

"Nope, mom's already in this corridor so she would see the door opening" I replied

"Ehm... ehm.... your illusions!" Mai shouted

"Great idea, just be sure to not bump into anything or worse into her and don't climb on the bed" I warned her as I casted a spell to make her invisible

*Knock knock*

"Jade, are you awake?" mom called from behind the door

I quickly ran into the bathroom and opened the water faucet, splashing some water on my face so it would look like I was washing myself I then went to the door and opened it

"Hey mom" I greeted her

"Hey, we were wondering if you wanted to join us for breakfast or well I guess it would be more like brunch now given the hour" mom asked me

"Sure just give me 10 minutes, I'll finish getting ready and join you in the cafeteria" I replied

"Great I'll go call Mai too" she said

"Wait! I'll call her, she's wandering around the Castle right now so you might miss each other, I'll call her and we will join you at the cafeteria okay" I said quickly

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