Chapter 43

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Jade Leywin POV

"Is everything ready?" Curtis asked impatient

"Everything has been set up, we're just waiting for Doradrea for the mana-resistance artifacts" Kai replied

We were currently in a training room preparing for a spar in order to both keep ourselves ready for a potential attack from the radical group and because all of us needed to blow off some steam after everything that happened recently, the attack will be in minutes and I can already feel the mana beasts being gathered in secret passages running across the school

"Sorry, everyone I'm late" Doradrea said as she was running towards us with a bunch of mana-resistance bracers

"Okay, Kai we're all really, turn on the barrier" Claire said and a blood red barrier flared to life

"Ehm, why is the barrier red?" Curtis asked confused

"Kai there's something wrong with the barrier turn it off" Claire shouted

Suddenly a bunch of hooded figures broke-in and fully surrounded us

"It's the radical group, Kai watch out!" Claire yelled

"Hahahahahaha, oh Claire Claire my little stupid Claire have you really not noticed?, hahahahaha dicathians are even more stupid than I thought" Kai sneered

"Kai what are you talking about?" Claire asked

"He's a traitor or rather a spy, so it was you huh" I said

"Hah, so you knew there was a spy in the DC, I was right in being wary of you Jade"

"Bring me to your leader and I'll let you live" I simply told him

"Hahaha you think you're in any position to make threats? Take a look around you, I know you're a solid silver mage but not even you can destroy this barrier also you're fully surrounded" Kai laughed

"Very well then" I snapped my fingers and the entire room froze, the walls, the hooded idiots, Kai, the barrier everything instantly turned into solid ice, waving my hand the now frozen barrier shattered and the room returned to view

"W-what did you do?" Feyrith asked hesitant

"I killed all of them"

"Oh, okay" he paled

"No time for this, the school is under attack" I said

"WHAT?!" everyone yelled

"The school is under attack, it's the radical group we need to organise the defences and protect the regular students until help arrives" I explained and I withdrew my communication artifact from my dimensional ring, a couple of weeks ago Gideon told me he finished making the first set of communicators and of course he gave them to the Council and the Lances

"Virion Eralith" I said as I imbued mana into the artifact

"Who is it?" Virion's voice came from the artifact

"It's Jade Leywin, Xyrus Academy is under attack we need the Lances, now" I told him

"What?! What about Tessia?!"

"Tess is safe my bond is with her and Mai also Art and I are going to protect them but we will need help" I declared

"I'll send the Lances you guys just focus on staying alive okay?" Virion stated with a tinge of panic in his voice

"Okay" I replied and closed the communication

"Is the school really under attack?" Doradrea asked

*BOOM*    *BOOM*     *BOOM*

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