S1 • Ep31

506 5 5

To: Duncan

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Gwen says: What was that??!

Duncan says: What?

Gwen says: You trying to grab Courtney's attention at every given chance you got.

Duncan says: What? I was just trying to mess with her for you

Gwen says: For me? That wasn't for me!

Gwen says: That was totally all for you!!

Duncan says: What are you getting so riled up for?

Gwen says: Duncan, we need to talk

Duncan says: That's funny I thought we already were

Gwen says: ...

Gwen says: We need to talk about your obsession with Courtney

Duncan says: My obsession with her? You have literally been commenting on all her posts!

Gwen says: Oh no, no don't even TRY to make this about me

Gwen says: I'm trying to make peace with Courtney but you tell me why you know that I've been commenting on her posts?

Duncan says: Idk

Gwen says: Well you obviously pay attention to her comments and posts that's for sure

Duncan says: I don't.

Gwen says: Tell me now, if Courtney asked you to get back together would you say yes?

Duncan says: ...

Duncan says: No. What? Why would you even ask that

Gwen says: Why did you hesitate?

Duncan says: What?

Gwen says: You hesitated

Duncan says: No I didn't

Gwen says: Yes you did

Duncan says: My finger slipped

Gwen says: Uh huh ok sure

Duncan says: I like you pasty

Gwen says: I'm not so sure about that anymore

Gwen says: I mean, we have the same taste in music and movies

Gwen says: But... there's more to relationships than that

Duncan says: Yeah but you're not a total chick

Gwen says: What's that supposed to mean?

Duncan says: I mean, you're not always busting my balls... until right now

Gwen says: And that's the only thing you like about me?

Duncan says: No of course not

Duncan says: You're also hot

Gwen says: ...

Duncan says: I'm joking... geez

Gwen says: Ugh

Duncan says: Let's talk about this another time, ok?

Gwen says: Fine. Whatever.

Gwen says: Just please stop bothering her, they all already hate me as is

Duncan says: Ok, I will. For you

Gwen says: Thank you

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