S1 • Ep7

594 12 30

To: Owen, Izzy, Gwen, Heather, Lindsay, Justin, Cody, Leshawna, Trent, Beth, and Noah.

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.


Gwen says: Oh my god what now

Heather says: You guys weren't even TRYING to win the surf competition!

Leshawna says: Girl shut your ass up you literally wiped out within the first second

Trent says: Leshawna is right. Give it a rest Heather.

Heather says: ONLY because I was SABOTAGED



Owen says: Did someone say butter?

Izzy says: Mmmm butter

Gwen says: Ok it was slippery we heard you the first time

Gwen says: Can you please just shut up now

Heather says: NO because you guys made me look STUPID!

Noah says: That was all on you sweetie

Heather says: Shut up Noah, you didn't even try

Noah says: ...

Justin says: She's right about that

Lindsay says: Oh my god, yeah

Lindsay says: Like you didn't even go Nigel

Noah says: I was reading, so what?

Owen says: That kind of blows man

Izzy says: But not as much as Heather did on her "sabotaged" surf board hahahahahahaha

Heather says: UGH just for that I'm going to shave all your hair off tonight Izzy

Izzy says: ...

Lindsay says: Get used to it, she keeps threatening me that she's going to do that too

Heather says: Shut UP Lindsay

Izzy says: I wouldn't mind being bald, like a bald eagle omg like a bald E-scope, that would be a really really sick username ahaha omg can you shave my head yet?

Heather says: UGGGGHHHH

Heather says: JUST FORGET IT

Cody says: Uh ok then

Cody says: Do you guys want to go do something fun together now?

Beth says: OO I do I do!

Cody says: Alright!

Heather says: I know

Gwen says: Uh... what now?

Heather says: Let's read Gwen's diary.

Gwen says: WHAT?😳

Heather says: 😈

Gwen says: I mean-

Gwen says: How about not.

Heather says: Why? Are you hiding something gothy?

Trent says: Why don't you just leave her alone already?

Heather says: You haven't told her yet have you?

Gwen says: Told me what?

Trent says: Gwen

Heather says: Trent and I dated before coming to this stupid reality tv show

Leshawna says: Wait what

Gwen says: ...

Leshawna says: You fr dated this skinny little spoiled prom queen?

Trent says: Yeah, but in freshman year. We broke up like three years ago

Gwen says: Oh

Gwen says: Ok

Heather says: Yeah, but the thing is we didn't break up... I dumped HIM

Gwen says: Wait what???

Trent says: Yeah BUT AFTER I said I didn't like how mean you were becoming

Gwen says: She broke up with you????

Trent says: Yes, but it's not like that

Gwen says: Um this is kind of weird and I have to go

Owen says: Go where? We're in a resort

Cody says: ^

Gwen says: Not helping.

Trent says: I like you Gwen, like A LOT

Cody says: Wait what now

Trent says: Me and Heather are history she's just bringing it up to scare you away

Gwen says: I don't know how I feel about this

Leshawna says: I don't believe that anyone could ever date Heather

Lindsay says: Honestly

Heather says: LINDSAY

Cody says: I feel like the other group is having WAY more fun then we are

Owen says: Me too...

Cody says: Race you up to their floor?

Owen says: OH YOU'RE SO ON

Noah says: I can hear Owen's big fat giant feet clambering above us on the top floor

Justin says: 🧑🪞

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