S1 • Ep38

526 6 3

To: Gwen

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Trent says: Hey are you ok?

Gwen says: Yeah

Gwen says: Why?

Trent says: I heard you and Duncan broke up so I just wanted to check up on you

Gwen says: Yeah... he still had feelings for Courtney

Gwen says: I feel like I should have seen that coming

Gwen says: I mean, who am I right? I couldn't compete with her

Trent says: What? Are you insane?

Gwen says: What?

Trent says: Gwen, you're amazing. No one could ever compete with you. Why do you even think that?

Gwen says: I mean... I don't feel amazing

Trent says: I know who you really are Gwen.

Trent says: You're amazing, you're better than this. I just know you are

Gwen says: ...

Gwen says: Thanks Trent

Trent says: Anytime Gwen

Trent says: And besides

Trent says: You were too good for him anyways

Gwen says: Why are you telling me this...?

Trent says: Because it's true

Gwen says: I wasn't too good for you

Trent says: ...

Trent says: You were

Gwen says: No I wasn't. I was stupid and selfish... how could you ever forgive me?

Trent says: There's nothing to forgive, I've never held anything against you

Gwen says: I'm not as pretty and popular as Heather...

Trent says: Heather?

Trent says: I don't want you to be Heather. Heather is mean.

Trent says: Plus popularity doesn't mean anything to me. And pretty? You're gorgeous... what are you talking about?

Gwen says: You dated prom queens, that's your type... I don't want to be the one you settle for

Trent says: Gwen, I think you're so cool. I never dated Heather because she was "prom queen material"

Trent says: I dated her because parents were never around growing up. They were always too busy working... just like mine were...

Trent says: And SETTLE? Are you fucking kidding me? You're the girl of my dreams!

Gwen says:...

Gwen says: Trent, I don't know what to say

Gwen says: I messed up everything between us

Trent says: Just say that you'll be my girlfriend. And I'm yours. Easy as that

Gwen says: ...

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