S1 • Ep66

382 7 7

To: Duncan, Bridgette, Ezekiel, Izzy, Owen, Gwen, Katie, Sadie, Heather, Lindsay, Justin, Courtney, Cody, Tyler, Leshawna, Harold, Geoff, DJ, Trent, Eva, Beth, Noah, Alejandro, Scott, and Sierra.

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.


Heather says: BE QUIET

Owen says: Oh sorry

Owen says: ʷᵒᵒ ʰᵒᵒᵎ

Heather says: SHHHH

Owen says: ᴼʰ ˢᵒʳʳʸ ᴴᵉᵃᵗʰᵉʳ ʰᵃʰᵃ

Gwen says: Don't listen to her

Gwen says: She probably just broke a nail or something this morning

Heather says: Can you shut up?

Gwen says: This is a chat room genius

Heather says: Whatever ugh

Owen says: 👀

Leshawna says: Now what is your problem?😐

Heather says: You people are driving me crazy!!

Gwen says: Like you weren't already when you came into this resort

Noah says: ☕️

Cody says: 🍵

Heather says: I'm muting you people

Gwen says: Thank god


Gwen says: Uhm you're the one who threw it

Geoff says: Oh, YEAH


Gwen says: We all live together

Geoff says: ...

Geoff says: Hey where is everybody?

Gwen says: Why? Am I not fun enough?

Heather says: Yes

Gwen says: I thought you muted us🤨

Heather says: I couldn't help but insult you

Bridgette says: I don't think that's what Geoff meant, right Geoff baby

Geoff says: No no I just, I was curious that's all

Izzy says: It's because you're a Debby downer

Izzy says: 🤗

Gwen says: Izzy what the hell

Izzy says: What? I said 🤗

Gwen says: I am not a Debby downer. I'm just not cool I guess

Trent says: What? You're like the coolest girl I've ever known

Geoff says: Yeah🤠 I didn't meant it like that my bad b😅

Gwen says: It's all good you know, you don't have to lie

Trent says: I'm not lying

Gwen says: Yeah but you have to say that, because we're dating lol

Trent says: Lol but it's true

Gwen says: Haha awe

Geoff says: I'm not lying either

Gwen says: Yeah right, you probably didn't even want to invite me

Heather says: True

Bridgette says: Be quiet Heather

Heather says: 🙄

Geoff says: Of course I did! You're just a part of the group as all of us are!

Gwen says: Really?

Geoff says: Yeah!

Bridgette says: Why did you think he didn't want to invite you?

Gwen says: Idk I just assumed that he just didn't

Geoff says: That's not true, I'd consider you as a friend

DJ says: I smell a cute friendship coming along

Geoff says: Aye

Gwen says: Ayee?

Trent says: Lol Gwen

Duncan says: Can you guys wrap this whole thing up? I'm trying to do something here

Trent says: Haha and what is that you're trying to do at 9 AM in the morning while we're all hungover?

Duncan says: None of your business Elvis

Duncan says: Just stop messaging me I can't concentrate with our phones buzzing

Owen says: OUR👀

Harold says: Speaking of wrapping it up, can you two please use protection! The world doesn't need you two to procreate GOSH!

Duncan says: Want me to rip you a new one?

Bridgette says: Eew

Ezekiel says: I don't get it eh?

Heather says: You two are ANIMALS

Geoff says: Ayee🖐️

Duncan says: 🖐️

Courtney says: Ahem.

Duncan says: Brb

Heather says: BLEH

Gwen says: Double bleh

Trent says: You two just agree on something?

Heather says: No.

Gwen says: Not in a million years

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