To: Duncan, Bridgette, Ezekiel, Izzy, Owen, Gwen, Katie, Sadie, Heather, Lindsay, Justin, Courtney, Cody, Tyler, Leshawna, Harold, Geoff, DJ, Trent, Eva, Beth, Noah, Alejandro, Scott, and Sierra.
(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.
Beth says: Green jelly anyone?
Courtney says: NO!
Trent says: 👀
Gwen says: I'll have some
Trent says: Me too!
Bridgette says: Same here
Geoff says: Aye ok
Lindsiot says: Ooo I love green jelly!
Cody says: Um why is her username Lindsiot?
Noah says: And why wasn't it Lindsiot before?
Izzy says: Mmmm it's so good are you sure you don't want any Courtney?
Courtney says: NO THANKS, I'M GOOD.
Duncan says: What are you on a diet or something?
Courtney says: No! I just don't like green jelly ok?
Duncan says: Why?
Owen says: How could you not like jello? It's so gelatinous and so jiggly!
Courtney says: I just don't. Please stop describing it and asking me about it now.
Duncan says: What is up with you? It's just jello
Courtney says: PLEASE DUNCAN.
Duncan says: I like it when you beg😏
Courtney says: I'M SERIOUS.
Duncan says: Lol you sure you're not on a diet?
Scott says: Does it look like she needs to go on a diet to you?
Duncan says: ...
Courtney says: Thank you Scott.
Duncan says: I never said that she needed to go on a diet.
Cody says: Looks like someone is jelly
Owen says: More like someone is green jelly
Courtney says: 🫣🫣
Owen says: 🤝
Cody says: 🤝
Duncan says: Courtney what's wrong?
Scott says: I mean you thinks she needs to be on a diet so
Duncan says: Stfu that's not what I said at all, go eat your dirt
Scott says: Courtney I think you looks great
Courtney says: Ok thanks Scott.
Duncan says: What? So you're hitting on her now you brown noser?
Scott says: No I just think she doesn't need to be on some diet like some people *cough cough* you
Duncan says: I DIDN'T SAY THAT
Courtney says: Duncan please.
Scott says: I'm pretty sure it came out of your mouth if I'm not wrong
Duncan says: Stop twisting my words or I'll be twisting your arm real soon
Scott says: I don't see that happening really
Courtney say: Duncan
Courtney say: Scott
Courtney say: Stop it.
Scott says: I like me a bossy lady;)
Duncan says: I like me a dead farmer.
Sadie says: OMG that reminds me of that one time me and Katie were in a corn field and then
Katie says: Let's not talk about that one Sadie...
Sadie says: Ok lol
Leshawna says: 👀
Harold says: What are we eating?
Beth says: Hey Harold! Would you like some jello?
Harold says: No thanks I'm violently allergic to sugar
Duncan say: I'm violently allergic to you😃
Harold says: Um that's actually not how allergies work! You see
Eva says: Shut up
Heather says: Why do you guys even eat that sugary crap! That's so disgusting
Alejandro says: Well well would you look who it is
Heather says: Shut up
Total Drama 🫧Resort Messages🐠🫧
Fanfiction🏝️The original cast from Total Drama Island are back and better than ever! Duncan, Bridgette, Ezekiel, Izzy, Gwen, Owen, Katie, Sadie, Heather, Lindsay, Justin, Courtney, Cody, Tyler, Leshawna, Harold, Geoff, DJ, Trent, Eva, Beth, and Noah are all...