S1 • Ep53

569 10 20

To: Duncan, Bridgette, Ezekiel, Izzy, Owen, Gwen, Katie, Sadie, Heather, Lindsay, Justin, Courtney, Cody, Tyler, Leshawna, Harold, Geoff, DJ, Trent, Eva, Beth, Noah, Alejandro, Scott, and Sierra.

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Beth says: Green jelly anyone?

Courtney says: NO!

Trent says: 👀

Gwen says: I'll have some

Trent says: Me too!

Bridgette says: Same here

Geoff says: Aye ok

Lindsiot says: Ooo I love green jelly!

Cody says: Um why is her username Lindsiot?

Noah says: And why wasn't it Lindsiot before?

Izzy says: Mmmm it's so good are you sure you don't want any Courtney?

Courtney says: NO THANKS, I'M GOOD.

Duncan says: What are you on a diet or something?

Courtney says: No! I just don't like green jelly ok?

Duncan says: Why?

Owen says: How could you not like jello? It's so gelatinous and so jiggly!

Courtney says: I just don't. Please stop describing it and asking me about it now.

Duncan says: What is up with you? It's just jello

Courtney says: PLEASE DUNCAN.

Duncan says: I like it when you beg😏

Courtney says: I'M SERIOUS.

Duncan says: Lol you sure you're not on a diet?

Scott says: Does it look like she needs to go on a diet to you?

Duncan says: ...

Courtney says: Thank you Scott.

Duncan says: I never said that she needed to go on a diet.

Cody says: Looks like someone is jelly

Owen says: More like someone is green jelly

Courtney says: 🫣🫣

Owen says: 🤝

Cody says: 🤝

Duncan says: Courtney what's wrong?

Scott says: I mean you thinks she needs to be on a diet so

Duncan says: Stfu that's not what I said at all, go eat your dirt

Scott says: Courtney I think you looks great

Courtney says: Ok thanks Scott.

Duncan says: What? So you're hitting on her now you brown noser?

Scott says: No I just think she doesn't need to be on some diet like some people *cough cough* you

Duncan says: I DIDN'T SAY THAT

Courtney says: Duncan please.

Scott says: I'm pretty sure it came out of your mouth if I'm not wrong

Duncan says: Stop twisting my words or I'll be twisting your arm real soon

Scott says: I don't see that happening really

Courtney say: Duncan

Courtney say: Scott

Courtney say: Stop it.

Scott says: I like me a bossy lady;)

Duncan says: I like me a dead farmer.

Sadie says: OMG that reminds me of that one time me and Katie were in a corn field and then

Katie says: Let's not talk about that one Sadie...

Sadie says: Ok lol

Leshawna says: 👀

Harold says: What are we eating?

Beth says: Hey Harold! Would you like some jello?

Harold says: No thanks I'm violently allergic to sugar

Duncan say: I'm violently allergic to you😃

Harold says: Um that's actually not how allergies work! You see

Eva says: Shut up

Heather says: Why do you guys even eat that sugary crap! That's so disgusting

Alejandro says: Well well would you look who it is

Heather says: Shut up

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