S1 • Ep2

1K 13 45

To: Duncan, Bridgette, Ezekiel, Izzy, Owen, Gwen, Katie, Sadie, Heather, Lindsay, Justin, Courtney, Cody, Tyler, Leshawna, Harold, Geoff, DJ, Trent, Eva, Beth, and Noah.

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Lindsay says: Uh I'm so boreeed

Beth says: Me too!

Owen says: Hey! I have an idea!

Heather says: No.

Owen says: But-

Heather says: No.

Geoff says: Hey let's play truth or dare!

Owen says: Oh sweet! I love playing truth or dare with my mom back home!

Leshawna says: Sure! I'm down for anything

Bridgette says: Same^

Izzy says: AH cool I'm really good at truth or dare! Especially when the dare is like getting electric shock therapy or something!!!!!!!!🤪

Lindsay says: Cool omg! <3 I'll totally dare you that if I get to ask you something for sure!

Leshawna says: Bffr

Cody says: What the hey, sounds fun

DJ says: Ok, as long as it's safe dares please

Duncan says: Nah

Trent says: Sure

Beth says: Alright!

Sadie says: Omg me and Katie LOVE truth or dare! Right Katie?

Katie says: Omg like totally! We LOVE truth or dare

Heather says: Shut up you people are so annoying

Heather says: And truth or dare? Really? What are we? In fourth grade? Please.

Gwen says: If we play can I dare Heather to jump off a cliff?

Cody says: Lol

Heather says: Shut up weird goth girl

Courtney says: Sign me up!

Ezekiel says: Uh what's truth or dare?

Tyler says: Yo dude... are you good?

Ezekiel says: Good at what?

Trent says: Lmao

Duncan says: I can't believe this dude💀

Trent says: Give him some time he's home schooled

DJ says: Truth or dare, it's a game where you ask someone for the truth to a question or dare someone to do something crazy or gross

Ezekiel says: Oh cool, can I pick my nose as a dare?

Courtney says: Eww.

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