S1 • Ep61

397 9 3

To: Duncan

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Duncan says: Nuh uh no way I'm going on a double date with you and Aleflirtsalot

Duncan says: I don't like that dude, plus he used to hit on Courtney

Heather says: Ok but he's with me now he's not even interested in messing with Courtney anymore

Heather says: Also Aleflirtsalot? There's not even the slightest bit of cleverness to that

Duncan says: Idc go find someone else to watch you guys French kiss

Duncan says: Or in his case Spanish kiss

Heather says: You're so annoying. I don't understand how Courtney can even stand to talk to you

Duncan says: Who says we talk?

Heather says: You're revolting🤢 That's why I need you to be there for the double date.

Duncan says: You make absolutely zero sense

Heather says: I need you there so if I can't control my... urges on international television

Heather says: I can just look at your face

Duncan says: Pft yeah ok so I'm definitely not going now so good luck with whatever restraining system/cock-blocking situation you're trying to set up on yourself

Heather says: I hate you. I knew I should have just asked Courtney first

Duncan says: Yeah that's where you messed up. Why didn't you just ask Courtney first, she would've dragged me along anyways

Heather says: Because I need you to actually show up and not ditch us in the middle of dinner like the little monster that you are

Duncan says: Ok I'll do it

Heather says: Yes!

Duncan says: But

Heather says: BUT WHAT?

Duncan says: But, what's in it for me?

Heather says: Are you bargaining with me?!

Duncan says: Yeah I am so? What's in it for me?

Heather says: I'll do your laundry for like... a week

Duncan says: Two weeks

Heather says: You're such a little

Duncan says: Take it or leave it sister

Duncan says: We got a deal or what?

Heather says: Fine. It's a deal.

Duncan says: Ah man, I can't believe you're doing my laundry just for me to cockblock you

Duncan says: You have it bad huh?

Heather says: Shut it. Or the deal is off.

Duncan says: Fine, fine.

Duncan says: I would have done it for free btw

Heather says: WHAT?

Duncan says: Courtney's taught me a lot of things, and one of those things is to know how to negotiate. Take it or leave it, because I ain't doing it for free now sweetheart

Heather says: Well she taught you horribly because I would have done your laundry for three weeks you complete and utter loser

Duncan says: ...

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