(𝟐) 𝐝𝐣.𝐩𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭!

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dj.png Bonfire night🔥🏕️ @partyhardyg @bridge @duncthedeliquent @court.net @harold_mclovin @jockybutnotcocky @katieandsadie @sadieandkatie @partyhardyg
@_ek_ziel and @3va

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court.net I told you guys. It was too big.
5h 200 likes    Reply Send
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duncthedeliquent @court.net That's what she said
5h 110 likes    Reply Send
court.net @duncthedeliquent Shut up...
5h 88 likes    Reply Send
court.net @duncthedeliquent You fanned the fire too much.
5h 99 likes    Reply Send
duncthedeliquent @court.net Oh relax, the fire was fine
5h 112 likes    Reply Send
court.net @duncthedeliquent And how would you know? You arsonist. 🙄
4h 80 likes    Reply Send
duncthedeliquent @court.net It didn't burn anyone alive, that's how I know😒😏
4h 99 likes    Reply Send
court.net @duncthedeliquent Very cute Duncan.
3h 69 likes    Reply Send
duncthedeliquent @court.net I know you are but what am I?
3h 420 likes    Reply Send
dj.png @court.net @duncthedeliquent 👀
1h 96 likes    Reply Send

owenlikesinstagram Aw marshmallows!!!! Why wasn't I invited??!!
4h      800 likes Reply      Send
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dj.png @owenlikesinstagram Sorry man it was a 2nd floor only party
2h      75 likes Reply      Send
jockybutnotcocky @dj.png @owenlikesinstagram Aw I wish I was 2nd floor
2h      80 likes Reply      Send
owenlikesinstagram @jockybutnotcocky But then you wouldn't have hooked up with Lindsay
2h 12 likes    Reply Send
jockybutnotcocky @owenlikesinstagram Oh yeaah
2h 24 likes    Reply Send
jockybutnotcocky @owenlikesinstagram I LOVE being on the 1st floor!
2h 48 likes    Reply Send
dj.png @jockybutnotcocky @owenlikesinstagram 👀
1h 80 likes    Reply Send
partyhardyg @jockybutnotcocky @owenlikesinstagram You people freaky
1h 14 likes    Reply Send
owenlikesinstagram @partyhardyg Says you man! I hear you and Bridgette go at it every single night up there!
1h 24 likes    Reply Send
partyhardyg @owenlikesinstagram 😳😳
1h 60 likes    Reply Send

harold_mclovin Ok which one of you idiots made s'mores out of my underwear????
2h 68 likes    Reply Send
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dj.png @harold_mclovin Pftt
2h 70 likes    Reply Send
partyhardyg @harold_mclovin ... 💀💀
2h 71 likes    Reply Send
duncthedeliquent @harold_mclovin AHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
2h 100 likes    Reply Send

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