S1 • Ep64

426 9 19

To: Duncan, Bridgette, Ezekiel, Izzy, Owen, Gwen, Katie, Sadie, Heather, Lindsay, Justin, Courtney, Cody, Tyler, Leshawna, Harold, Geoff, DJ, Trent, Eva, Beth, Noah, Alejandro, Scott, and Sierra.

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Izzy says: Woah I can't believe it's our last week here that's so crazy isn't it you guys?

Noah says: Yeah crazy...

Duncan says: Uh Izzy you got a snake on your head

Courtney says: Oh my goodness.

Courtney says: Someone has to take it off of her head. Like NOW.

DJ says: Hell no

Geoff says: Maybe I can use some tongs to get it off?

Bridgette says: Where the hell would you get tongs?

Geoff says: Idk maybe chef Hatchet's kitchen

Lindsay says: Oo I love that show!💗💗

Trent says: That's Hell's Kitchen Lindsay

Lindsay says: Ohh

Izzy says: No way! Leave him alone you guys he's just a cute little cobra

Gwen says: Aren't cobras venomous?

Izzy says: Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure they are mhm

Owen says: 😮🫢

Leshawna says: So what's it doing on your head girl?!

Izzy says: He's just chilling! chill out you guys haha sheesh

Lindsay says: Omg

Heather says: Ok that's enough of crazy girl can we move on with the show please?

Lindsay says: Awe someone misses their honey bunny🍯🐰

Heather says: Not even, I just don't want to walk his drunk ass back to his room tonight

Alejandro says: Ah mi amour, I am flattered with your concern for me;)

Heather says: What can I say? You are concerning.

Alejandro says: 🌹

Heather says: Ugh

Tyler says: Oooo

Lindsay says: Awe

Heather says: ✂️🥀

Beth says: Oop

Alejandro says: It's alright, she's just playing hard to get

Duncan says: I know how that feels

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