S1 • Ep51

426 4 3

To: Duncan

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Courtney says: Duncan.

Duncan says: Princess!

Courtney says: How was prison?

Duncan says: Wasn't too bad

Duncan says: How was the peanut butter-less life?

Courtney says: Could've used some peanut butter

Duncan says: ...

Courtney says: I heard you're back in the resort

Duncan says: I am, all thanks to you

Courtney says: You wouldn't have left in the first place if it weren't for me...

Duncan says: No one made me take the blame but myself sweetheart

Courtney says: Why did you?

Duncan says: Oh c'mon like you would've lasted a day in jail

Courtney says: Why can't you take any of this seriously?

Duncan says: Because then I wouldn't be able to see you smile

Courtney says: ...

Courtney says: I still don't understand why you took the fall.

Duncan says: Why did youuuu bail me out?

Courtney says: Because, you would've gone to prison for us.

Duncan says: Oh c'mon Courtney

Courtney says: What?

Duncan says: That's not the only reason and you know it

Courtney says: ... I don't get what you're insinuating here but you should knock it off.

Duncan says: You still love me

Courtney says: ... I still CARE about you.

Duncan says: You still care and LOVE me

Courtney says: You're unbelievable. You know that? You could have gone to prison for 10 years.

Duncan says: And it would've been all worth it;)

Courtney says: You're crazy.

Duncan says: And you say that like you're not

Courtney says: Ok look, I understand that you still like me and all but I do not want you to be going to jail for me.

Duncan says: I don't still like you. I'm in love with you

Courtney says: That's not the point.

Duncan says: That's exactly the point

Courtney says: So what?

Duncan says: What?

Courtney says: So now what?

Duncan says: You've lost me

Courtney says: Where do we go from here? We broke up multiple times, you cheated on me. We both moved on and now you still want us to be together? How does this all work out?

Duncan says: Ah see now that's where you're wrong. I never moved on from you

Courtney says: ...

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