𝐝𝐣.𝐩𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭!

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Liked by duncthedelinquent and othersdj

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Liked by duncthedelinquent and others
dj.png A cute moment between these two, thought I'd never see that again. @duncthedelinquent and @court.net

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court.net DJ this was like an hour ago, stalker much?
1h      57 likes Reply      Send
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dj.png @court.net Sorry😅 I just couldn't help myself
1h      340 likes Reply      Send
sierratdr @dj.png I'm just upset that I didn't take this
1h      98 likes Reply      Send
duncthedeliquent @sierratdr What are you?? Hollywood fix?
1h      70 likes Reply      Send

bridge That's so cute, didn't care about him... hey?
1h      200 likes Reply      Send
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court.net @bridge Please, we were just reading together not making out.
1h      75 likes Reply      Send
duncthedeliquent @court.net Darn shame
1h      89 likes Reply      Send

owenlikesinstagram This is so great you guys! So you guys are back together again?!
1h      69 likes Reply      Send
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court.net We are most definitely NOT.
1h      9 likes Reply      Send

partyhardyg She likes him🤠
1h      300 likes Reply      Send
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court.net I do not like him.
1h      7 likes Reply      Send
partyhardyg She likes him.
1h      600 likes Reply      Send

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