S1 • Ep36

541 7 4

To: Duncan, Bridgette, Ezekiel, Katie, Sadie, Courtney, Tyler, Harold, Geoff, DJ, Eva.

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

DJ says: Hey guys me and Geoff were talking and we're planning to do a small bonfire party tonight! Just this group, Are y'all down?

Sadie says: Oh my god I love bonfires! Katie don't you just live bonfires??

Katie says: Oh my god yes, we love bonfires! We are so there!

DJ says: Ok cool! What about the rest of you guys?

Duncan say: Sure, why not?

Bridgette says: I'm up for it

Bridgette says: Or down for it

Bridgette says: Whichever means I'm going

Tyler say: I'm in

Eva says: I love bonfires

Tyler says: Since when have you loved anything?


Ezekiel says: What's a bonfire?

DJ says: 🤦🏾‍♂️

Tyler says: Smh

Harold say: Bonfire? Cool!

Duncan say: Who says you're invited? Geek

DJ says: Sorry Duncan but Geoff and I agreed that everyone that is in this group should be invited

Duncan say: Ah man

Harold say: Sorry Duncan, but as in "group" that also includes me😎

Duncan say: Whatever just don't start spewing a bunch of nonsense and stupid fun facts all night geek or they won't be so fun

Katie says: 👀

Sadie says: 👀

Tyler says: Alright! So that's everyone!

DJ says: What about Courtney?

Bridgette says: I'll have to ask her

Duncan says: Why? Where is she?

Bridgette says: Why do you care?

Harold says: Cause he's still in love with her lol

Duncan says: You wanna a swirlie again?

Harold says: No.

Duncan says: Then shut the fuck up.

DJ says: So you'll ask her right?

Bridgette says: Yeah, sure of course

Bridgette says: I think she's just with Heather and Lindsay right now I'll text her

DJ says: Ok! Sounds good I'll tell Geoff everyone is coming

Bridgette say: Hey where is Geoff anyway?

Duncan says: How should we know? He's your boyfriend

DJ says: He left the resort to go buy marshmallows for the bonfire

Eva say: That's stupid why do we need marshmallows

Harold says: Because they are sweet, delicious and gelatinous treat!

Duncan say: That's it, I'm giving you a double swirlie

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