S1 • Ep19

490 5 19

To: Duncan

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Gwen says: Hey

Duncan: Mm what do you want?

Gwen says: Just coming to check up on you

Duncan says: Really?

Gwen says: Yeah

Gwen says: You left such a cryptic comment on my instagram post yesterday, how couldn't I?

Duncan says: That's funny. I don't remember that

Gwen says: Lol shut up

Duncan says: How are you and Trent?

Gwen says: Awful

Gwen says: I told him I didn't want to be talking to him like that anymore

Duncan says: You know that whole thing with Heather was all probably just Heather right?

Gwen says: Yeah, I figured

Gwen says: I'm just tired of being second to Heather

Duncan says: Second to Heather?

Gwen says: Yeah cause she's pretty and she's... "popular"

Duncan says: Hey

Duncan says: Your no second to anyone

Gwen says: That's surprisingly sweet of you

Duncan says: If only you could tell Courtney that

Gwen says: Oh yeah... Courtney

Gwen says: What's up with you two anyway?

Duncan says: Idk what's it to you?

Gwen says: Nothing, obviously.

Gwen says: I'm not one to care about who you date or don't

Duncan says: Hey hey calm down haha I was just joking

Gwen says: Oh

Gwen says: Sorry

Duncan says: It's fine pasty

Duncan says: I think I'm going to break up with her

Gwen says: What a shock. You guys are going to make up though no?

Duncan says: No

Duncan says: I don't think so not this time anyway

Gwen says: Why not

Duncan says: I'm tired of her

Duncan says: But whatever

Duncan says: I don't want to talk about it

Duncan says: And she doesn't want to hear it anyways

Gwen says: Well, you'll always have me to talk to right

Duncan says: Yeah... I guess I do

Gwen says: Plus

Gwen says: We always gotten along better anyways

Duncan says: ... You got a point

Gwen says: Why'd you type it like that

Duncan says: Just thinking

Gwen says: About what?

Duncan says: How pretty you are;)

Gwen says: ...

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