S1 • Ep34

513 7 0

To: Gwen

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Duncan says: What's wrong you didn't say a word to me when we were canoeing?

Gwen says: Duncan.

Gwen says: Remember when I said I never wanted to be second to Heather?

Duncan says: Yeah? So?

Gwen says: Well now you're making me feel like I'm second to Courtney

Duncan says: What? I never said anything

Gwen says: Yeah but you're acting like you'd rather be with her more than you'd rather be with me

Duncan says: All I did was make a simple joke, I have no idea what's her problem

Gwen says: Her problem?

Gwen says: What's your problem!

Duncan says: What?

Gwen says: You're obviously still hung up on Courtney after all this time

Gwen says: Why do you care if she speaks to you or not? It shouldn't even matter!

Duncan says: Ok now that is gold.

Gwen says: What??

Duncan says: You speak to Trent on a regular basis...

Gwen says: Yeah because we're on good terms. We're friends

Duncan says: Yeah but you and I were friends and look at us now

Gwen says: You really think I would do that? That I would cheat on you? You don't know me at all

Duncan says: Well you kind of already did, you cheated with me behind Courtney's back

Gwen says: I didn't! That was on you. You said you were going to break up with her

Duncan says: Emphasis on "going to"

Gwen says: You were the one who kissed me!

Duncan says: Oh don't give me that

Gwen says: What? What now

Duncan says: Don't give me that "I'm all innocent" act you knew that Courtney and I were still together you didn't pull away when I kissed you. It takes two to tangle sweetheart

Gwen says: Do you know how stupid you're making me look for choosing you over Trent?

Duncan says: Trent? You're still talking about Trent? What does any of this have to do with Trent?!

Gwen says: Everything Duncan. Because I gave up a perfectly fine relationship with someone who actually liked me as a person

Duncan says: That's on you. Don't blame me for that.

Gwen says: Ugh I can't even believe I was with you for three whole weeks...

Duncan says: Yeah and the worst three weeks wasted cause you so clearly still have feelings for Trent.

Gwen says: Please you still SO CLEARLY have feelings for Courtney!

Duncan says: I so do not.

Gwen says: PLEASE


Duncan says: CALM DOWN

Gwen says: You're not still crushing on Courtney?

Duncan says: Hell no.

Gwen says: Just bringing up the idea of Scott makes your eye twitch!

Duncan says: Look I don't know what you're talking about lady

Gwen says: UGH you never cared about me. You were probably just using me to get to Courtney. We should have never dated in the first place.

Duncan says: Right back at you sweetie.

Gwen says: I am so done. We are over.

Duncan says: Nah uh honey I am so done with you.

Gwen says: And to think I risked being hated by everyone here for you... that really burns Duncan.

Duncan says: SAME HERE.

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