S1 • Ep14

556 12 23

To: Duncan, Bridgette, Ezekiel, Izzy, Owen, Gwen, Katie, Sadie, Heather, Lindsay, Justin, Courtney, Cody, Tyler, Leshawna, Harold, Geoff, DJ, Trent, Eva, Beth, and Noah.

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Owen says: Last night was so much fun you guys!!!! We should all hang out again!!!!

Izzy says: Oh my god yeah mhm definitely!💯

Trent says: I still can't believe you did the keg stand for two straight minutes man that was crazy

Owen says: Thanks Trent!!!! I've been practicing

Heather says: That is so unbelievably gross

Geoff says: What?! Do you know how much upper body strength and will that takes?

Heather says: No because you wouldn't catch me dead doing such a stupid little game like that ever

Gwen says: Well I think it was cool as hell

Trent says: You see, thank you! Someone actually sane

Heather says: Ugh whatever of course gothy thinks it's cool. She's into cryptic shit like that

Lindsay says: Oh my gosh I am so hungover

Lindsay says: Like what even happened last night????

Beth says: Lindsay you got soooo wasted

Lindsay says: IKR

Leshawna says: Girl you drank so much last night, I didn't know you had that in you😭😭

Lindsay says: Omg ty Lalona

Lindsay says: Yeah like I used to go to all the high school parties with my older sister Paula

Lindsay says: So I'm just used to drinking a lot, it's like a built up a tolerance for it?

Noah says: No??? You don't say???

Lindsay says: OMG BUT I SO DO!! YEAH

Noah says: At this point I wish that I was drunk.

Owen says: Come to think of it, I didn't see you drink at all last night buddy?

Noah says: I don't drink.

Duncan says: Dork

Noah says: Convict

Duncan says: Geek

Noah says: Gangster wannabe

Duncan says: Just because we're talking over text right now doesn't mean I can't come over there and kick your little book reading ass

Noah says: Oo I'm so scared

Noah says: Owen lock the door

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