S1 • Ep43

470 8 7

To: Courtney

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Duncan says: Morning sunshine

Duncan says: Yo you going to the beach today?

Duncan says: Your insufferable friend keeps hitting on me

Courtney says: Who?

Duncan says: Heather

Courtney says: Oh right, yeah.

Duncan says: You're not the slightest bit concerned or worried about her?

Courtney says: Nope.

Duncan says: You're not idk... the least bit jealous?

Courtney says: No.

Duncan says: Ok... did you put her up to this?

Courtney says: No. Why?

Duncan says: I mean that's the only reason why she would hit on me

Courtney says: Why would you think that?

Duncan says: Because she's Heather

Courtney says: I mean... maybe she just figured out that you're hot so...

Duncan says: Is this some sick twisted game you guys are playing on me?

Duncan says: Wait, did you just say that you still think I'm hot;)

Courtney says: No. I just said that Heather thinks you're hot. Not me. Not anymore.

Duncan says: Uh huh ok

Duncan says: So you wanna hook up tonight?

Courtney says: Look

Courtney says: We're not dating anymore. You can go out with whoever you want now. Even... Gwen.

Duncan says: I don't want to go out with Gwen

Courtney says: Good.

Duncan says: ...😏

Courtney says: Good. For. You. Is what I meant.

Duncan says: Why are you being like this?

Courtney says: Being like what?

Duncan says: You asked Heather to hit on me just to prove to yourself that you're over me

Courtney says: I most certainly did not.

Courtney says: And I do not appreciate the accusations you are making against me right now.

Duncan says: I like it when you lie.

Courtney says: I like it when you shut your mouth♥️

Duncan says: Ouuch. That might have hurt if I actually believed you

Courtney says: ...

Duncan says: So you're telling me, if I asksd idk... let's say Lindsay out tonight you would be totally fine with that


Duncan says: ...😏

Courtney says: I mean

Courtney says: Yeah sure, if you're into spacey loopy blonde girls who probably don't have a single thought in their head.

Courtney says: I'm totally fine with that. Go for it.

Duncan says: Mhm sure

Courtney says: I'm serious Duncan.

Duncan says: When are you not?

Courtney says: Whatever. Go ask Barbie out for god sake. I don't care.

Duncan says: Ok first, I don't actually want to ask that girl out

Duncan says: And second, she literally has a boyfriend already so idk why you thought I would actually ask her out

Courtney says: Idk you're a skeeze. That's what skeezers do, no?

Duncan says: Whatever. You still like me

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