S1 • Ep30

554 9 11

To: Duncan, Bridgette, Ezekiel, Izzy, Owen, Gwen, Katie, Sadie, Heather, Lindsay, Justin, Courtney, Cody, Tyler, Leshawna, Harold, Geoff, DJ, Trent, Eva, Beth, Noah, Alejandro, Scott, and Sierra.

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Owen says: HEY how's everyone doing????

DJ says: I'm chilling what about you?


Trent says: Someone is extra cheerful today:)

Owen says: Me and Izzy went to go do an excursion today!

Izzy says: Oh my god YEAH it was so much fun!

DJ says: Oh cool what did you guys do?

Owen says: Zip lining!!!

Izzy says: We SHOWED that LINE!

DJ says: Fr?

Owen says: My pants fell down during the zip lining but all and all very fun you guys gotta do it!

Trent says: Aw man that sounds fun, I gotta ask someone to do that with me later

DJ says: Sorry man, I would but I am severely afraid of heights

Trent says: That's ok man

Katie says: OO OO I'll go with you Trent!

Sadie says: NO NO I'll go with him! I can go with him!

Trent says: Um ok sure we can all go together for sure

Lindsay says: Oo fun! Zip lining that would be really fun right Timothy?

Cody says: *Cricket noises*

Sierra says: I love it when you do that

Cody says: 👀

Lindsay says: Terry?

Tyler says: Tyler

Lindsay says: No, my name is Lindsay silly!

Beth says: If he doesn't want to go I'll go!

Lindsay says: Okkaayyy💗

Tyler says: Wait a minute I didn't say I didn't want to go...!

Scott says: Me and Courtney went to one of the excursions today too

Trent says: Oh yeah? What was it?

Scott says: I forgot what it's called, like two people sit and it's tied by like a big balloon

Noah says: The circus? 🤡

Scott says: No... that's not it...?

Lindsay says: Paris sailing?

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