S1 • Ep18

491 8 2

To: Duncan, Bridgette, Ezekiel, Izzy, Owen, Gwen, Katie, Sadie, Heather, Lindsay, Justin, Courtney, Cody, Tyler, Leshawna, Harold, Geoff, DJ, Trent, Eva, Beth, and Noah.

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Courtney says: Duncan.

Courtney says: We need to talk.

Duncan says: Does anybody hear something?

Courtney says: I'm serious Duncan.

Duncan says: Look, I don't want to talk anymore. I'm sick of talking

Courtney says: You want to break up then? Is that it?

Duncan says: No

Duncan says: Why?

Duncan says: Do you want to break up?

Courtney says: Nooo.

Courtney says: But what you said last night bothered me.

Duncan says: What? I called you chick what's the problem with that?

Courtney says: You said and I quote "I do not get whipped by any chick"... don't you think that saying that makes me look like just a little bit of an idiot?

Gwen says: Damn smooth move Duncan

Duncan says: I was just joking

Courtney says: See! At least someone agrees with me! Thank you Gwen.

Duncan says: Hey I said that I was sorry a million times already

Courtney says: You're such a jerk, you don't even mean it.

Duncan says: I don't know what else I can do

Courtney says: I want you to stop being such a jerk. That's all I want.

Duncan says: You obviously want someone who is nothing like me because you're so overbearingly always trying to change me

Courtney says: I don't want you to change anything. I just want you to correct your mistakes so that we can move on.

Duncan says: Hey ma wanted me to "correct" my mistakes too and look where I ended up doing this stupid reality tv show with you

Bridgette says: Wow...

Courtney says: I can't believe you just said that.

Duncan says: What? What now.

Courtney says: You're acting like you don't even want to be here with me anymore.

Duncan says: I do, ok? Are you happy now?

Courtney says: Not really, no.

Heather says: Ugh can you guys like shut up already?

Geoff says: Maybe you guys should move this to the private messages?

Courtney says: I would, if Duncan would stop ignoring my direct messages.

Leshawna says: Now me personally, if my boyfriend said something like that behind my back to his guy friends I wouldn't take that

Duncan says: Ok and who asked you for your opinion hotcakes

Lewshawna says: 🤨🤨

Courtney says: Ugh you're such an ogre.

Duncan says: See now that's the reason why I said I could never get whipped by a chick

Geoff says: 👀

Owen says: 👀

Tyler says: 👀

Ezekiel says: 👀

Justin says: 👀

Cody says: 👀

Harold says: 👀

DJ says: 👀

Trent says: 👀

Noah says: ☕️

Katie says: Sadie I'm scared

Sadie says: Omg me too

Courtney says: You're just so unbelievable.

Duncan says: Me? You made me do your laundry last night!

Courtney says: It was OUR laundry. We had no more clean clothes are you kidding me?

Duncan says: Yeah but when I was doing it you were out with Bridgette!

Bridgette says: 👀

Courtney says: Ok, I'm sorry ok? That was wrong of me. But Bridgette was also upset about what you guys were saying in the guys chat too and we wanted to vent about it.

Geoff says: Is that why you were ignoring me?

Bridgette says: Well sort of kind of yeah

Geoff says: I would never say that about you babe. The guys convinced me to tag along

Geoff says: I'm totally whipped for you❤️

Beth says: Awe

Lindsay says: Awee

Bridgette says: That's really sweet Geoff. I'm whipped too❤️

Katie says: Double awe

Sadie says: Super double awe

Duncan says: Well I'm not

Courtney says: Ugh

Courtney says: You're always saying one thing and then the next minute saying the other. Make up your mind.

Duncan says: Make me.

Owen says: 👀

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