S1 • Ep12

533 10 14

To: Duncan, Bridgette, Ezekiel, Izzy, Owen, Gwen, Katie, Sadie, Heather, Lindsay, Justin, Courtney, Cody, Tyler, Leshawna, Harold, Geoff, DJ, Trent, Eva, Beth, and Noah.

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Leshawna says: You are so sick and so vile you know that?

Heather says: I don't know what you're talking about

Owen says: 👀

Leshawna says: Gwen is in our room crying right now and you don't even care!

Heather says: Please, as if I would do such a heinous thing


DJ says: What is going on here?

Heather says: Look, if weird goth girl had a diary she should've kept it hidden in a better spot

Heather says: It's not my fault no one likes her and posted her diary all over the internet

Leshawna says: And you're trying to tell us you're not the one who printed her diary out and slid it under all of our doors last night?🤨

Heather says: Do I look like a have a printer to you?

Leshawna says: You are NOT getting away with this

Heather says: Again... I have NO IDEA of what you're talking about. But if you find out who did it be sure to let me know first k?😌

Leshawna says: Why are you such a little

Lindsay says: OKAY who wants me to paint their toenails?

Lindsay says: I have a REALLY pretty pink nail polish here

Cody says: Wait

Cody says: What happened to Gwen's diary?

Leshawna says: SOMEONE printed it out and slid it under our doors and POSTED it over the internet

Courtney says: That is so mean.

Bridgette says: Seriously

Duncan says: That's harsh dude even for me

DJ says: Fr but

Geoff says: Who did it?

Trent says: Who cares? It was probably someone who was looking for attention

Heather says: Right? So mean!

Heather says: Personally I would never do such a thing

Leshawna says: Mhm...

Sadie says: IT'S SO MEAN! I COULDN'T EVEN READ IT! I had to get Katie to read it to me😭😭

Katie says: And I had to get Izzy to read it to me!

Izzy says: And I... read it to myself because I was bored

Owen says: Me toooo!

Owen says: But only because I was on the toilet and I had no other reading material

Beth says: Ewwww Owen

Lindsay says: Ew now I don't want to hear that

Ezekiel says: I didn't get it eh? Who is this Bent she was talking about?

Cody says: I think she meant to write "Cody"

Eva says: Nuh uh she was writing about TRENT in her diary because she likes him

Trent says: Thanks for clarifying Eva


Trent says: ... I- I'm good

Bridgette says: Well whoever shared it over the internet has a special place in hell

Heather says: ...

Noah says: Hoping hell has a personal chef☕️

Heather says: Oh shut up Noah.

Owen says: I wonder who it was...?

Harold says: Fr

Noah says: 🤦🏽‍♂️

Owen says: Was it you Noah?

Noah says: Wow...

Noah says: You people aren't very smart

Justin says: I'm pretty

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