S1 • Ep52

441 8 15

To: Bridgette, Leshawna, Courtney, and Lindsay.

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Heather says: Ew I can't believe you're dating him again

Courtney says: Who?

Heather says: You know who. Don't play Lindsiot.

Bridgette says: What?

Heather says: Playing Lindsiot aka playing dumb🙄

Lindsay changed her username to Lindsiot.

Lindsiot says: Lol

Leshawna says: Girl

Courtney says: I have to date him. It's purely logistical. He turned himself in for us. It's the least I can do.

Bridgette says: Uh huh is that why you kissed him in a private place, made an Instagram post about him and told him to meet you outside of our hotel room which I proceeded to then hear you two make out for like 2 hours straight at the door?

Courtney says: ...

Courtney says: Yes.

Leshawna says: Girl I can smell the bullshit coming from your mouth

Heather says: For once, I agree with her

Courtney says: Ok, so I like him again... what about it? Sue me.

Lewshawna says: We can't sue we don't have lawyers like you do

Bridgette says: Lmao seriously

Heather says: You don't like him "again" you've always liked him. We all knew it Courtney. You made it so obvious🙄🙄

Courtney says: Says you.

Courtney says: You lurk on Alejandro's Instagram posts. Yeah I know you think I don't see it. But I totally do. We all do.

Leshawna says: Oh snap

Heather says: You bitch.

Courtney says: 😌

Bridgette says: I can't believe you two still aren't officially dating...? It's been like what? A week since you two went on that date?

Heather says: A week and two days

Courtney says: 👀

Leshawna says: 👀

Bridgette says: 👀

Heather says: I MEAN


Leshawna says: Girl stop lying, we all know you want to be going on another date with him again and SOON

Heather says: No not really I couldn't care less about that charismatic, sauve...

Heather says: MAN CHILD

Courtney say: Uh ok then but I'm just telling you now you can't use Duncan to get another date now because we're dating again.

Heather say: Well yeah, obviously!


Heather say: UGH! AS

Leshawna says: If...😐😑

Lindsiot says: This is stupid

Heather says: What?

Lindsiot says: I mean if you want to go on a date with him why don't you just ask him out? I don't see what the big deal is. Guys love it when girls make the first move. I think we overthink too much, and we waste our time thinking if he's ever going to call... like just go for it already, if he says no is it really a big deal? You're not going to die, the worst thing he can say is no. You know?

Heather says: I-

Courtney says: 😧

Bridgette says: 😦

Lindsiot says: You guys think this pink nail polish makes my toes look all bloatie?

Leshawna says: Girl

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