(𝟏𝟏) 𝐝𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭!

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Liked by partyhardyg and othersduncthedeliquent Sorry fellas, she's all mine🔐 @court

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Liked by partyhardyg and others
duncthedeliquent Sorry fellas, she's all mine🔐 @court.net

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court.net And you're all mine🤍🤍
2h 805 likes    Reply Send
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duncthedeliquent @court.net Always
2h 440 likes    Reply Send

_ek_ziel No one wants her eh? She's too bossy anyways
2h 32 likes    Reply Send
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scottsberryfarm @_ek_ziel Speak for yourself!
1h 22 likes    Reply Send
justjustin @_ek_ziel You're just saying that because you're ugly😚
1h 34 likes    Reply Send

bridge And you said you didn't do PDA @court.net
2h 77 likes    Reply Send
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court.net @bridge I don't.
2h 81 likes    Reply Send
bridge @court.net Lol yeah? So what is this huh?🤨😉
2h 79 likes    Reply Send
court.net @bridge Mmmm do you see anyone around in this picture? I don't think so. Case closed. 😌📑
2h 68 likes    Reply Send
heatherkasuga @court.net At least SOME people around here have the human decency to not subject their peers to their face sucking sessions... ahem... @bridge
2h 24 likes    Reply Send
bridge @heatherkasuga Oh you're one to talk, we saw you eyeing Alejandro all morning during breakfast today Heather
2h 22 likes    Reply Send
heatherkasuga @bridge Hey at least we're not banging in the swimming pools
2h 82 likes    Reply Send
bridge @heatherkasuga GASP that was ONCE
2h 44 likes    Reply Send
duncthedeliquent @bridge Was it though? Because I remember you doing it a few couple of times with my buddy Geoff😏
2h 300 likes    Reply Send
bridge @duncthedelinquent It was. And it's none of your business
1h 19 likes    Reply Send
duncthedeliquent @bridge It wasn't. And this is my Instagram post so yeah I would say it is my business
1h 54 likes    Reply Send

harold_mclovin DUNCAN HAS A COW LICK!
1h 24 likes    Reply Send
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jockybutnotcocky @harold_mclovin LMAO
1h 30 likes    Reply Send

izzygotrizzy Woah you guys are so cute together. Way cuter than Gwuancan ever was! Haha am I right you guys?
2h 2,450 likes    Reply Send
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gweningrid @izzygotrizzy You're actually right this time yes
2h 312 likes    Reply Send
noahtheknowitall @izzygotrizzy Gwuncan sounds like an off-brand Guacamole brand.
2h 87 likes    Reply Send
gweningrid @noahtheknowitall ... I-
2h 74 likes    Reply Send

lindsaynotlohan I still hate Doug! He's so mean to deers and trees, you could do so much better Coco!😡
2h 62 likes    Reply Send
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duncthedeliquent @lindsaynotlohan I could do much worser to them if you'd like;)
2h 19 likes    Reply Send
lindsaynotlohan @duncthedelinquent >:p
2h 17 likes    Reply Send
jockybutnotcocky @duncthedelinquent Stop trolling my Lindsay!!
2h 12 likes    Reply Send
duncthedeliquent @jockbutnotcocky I can't help it, she's just so easy to mess with
2h 14 likes    Reply Send
lindsaynotlohan @duncthedelinquent
2h 37 likes    Reply Send

2h 82 likes    Reply Send
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lindsaynotlohan I still hate Dunkin! He's so mean to deers and trees, you could do so much better Christina!😡
2h 22 likes    Reply Send
owenlikesinstagram @lindsaynotlohan Uh Lindsay you have to comment under Courtney's comment not mine for her to see your reply
2h 53 likes    Reply Send
lindsaynotlohan @owenlikesinstagram Ohh
2h 12 likes    Reply Send

dj.png Cute picture you guys!
2h 88 likes    Reply Send
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lindsaynotlohan I still hate Danny! He's so mean to deers and trees, you could do so much better Carla!😡
2h 68 likes    Reply Send
court.net @lindsaynotlohan Lindsay. My comment is all the way up there. And that's not even close to how we spell or say our names.
1h 69 likes    Reply Send

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