S1 • Ep8

564 10 3

To: Gwen

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Leshawna says: Heather is getting on my last nerve

Gwen says: Uh what did she do this time?

Leshawna says: She snuck into our room and ate ALL of my pudding pockets

Gwen says: What do you mean snuck in?

Leshawna says: She squeezed her little ass into the open window and came into our room

Gwen says: OH MY GOD

Leshawna says: What?

Gwen says: You don't think she read my diary do you?

Leshawna says: Is there a lock on it?

Gwen says: Yes... but what if she picked it?

Leshawna says: She better not have.

Gwen says: Ugh I really need to hide my diary in a better spot

Leshawna says: I would too girl, can't trust anyone in here. Not even me

Leshawna says: Why you so overprotective about that diary anyway? You write about Trent in there?

Gwen says: I'm not telling you

Leshawna says: Why nooot??

Gwen says: Hey, you said not to trust anyone not even you remember?

Leshawna says: Fair enough girl

Gwen says: Haha

Leshawna says: I still can't believe guitar boy dated Heather

Gwen says: I knoww

Gwen says: Trent is so nice and cool and Heather is just...

Leshawna says: A spoiled little rich girl who only wants to make everybody around her miserable because she's nasty and mean and eats other peoples pudding pockets when she can so clearly buy her own down the street at the supermarket but nooo she has to eat mine

Gwen says: Yep.

Gwen says: I can't blame Trent though

Gwen says: She's pretty and besides they were in freshman year

Leshawna says: Just be careful girl, you don't want to get your heart broken

Leshawna says: Especially when you're interested in someone who is involved with Heather

Gwen says: You're right, I'll be careful

Gwen says: Thanks Leshawna

Leshawna says: Anytime♥️

Gwen says: Just for that I'll buy you new pudding pockets

Leshawna says: Ah girl you're the sweetest

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