S1 • Ep5

641 11 5

To: Duncan, Bridgette, Ezekiel, Katie, Sadie, Courtney, Tyler, Harold, Geoff, DJ, Eva.

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Bridgette says: Alright so I guess I'll be instructing you all on how to surf! Now to start I want to ask you guys

Bridgette says: What do you guys already know about surfing?

Courtney says: Uh I know that a wipe out is like when someone falls off their surf board.

Duncan says: Watch out you're going to be doing a lot of that princess

Courtney says: Not helping Duncan.

Bridgette says: That's a start

Bridgette says: Anyone else know a thing about surfing?

DJ says: That NO ONE should EVER do it!

Bridgette says: ??

Geoff says: Aw man I forgot that you're afraid of the water man I'm sorry

DJ says: It's ok dude, I think I'm just going to sit this one out

Courtney says: SIT THIS ONE OUT? YOU CAN'T!

Duncan says: Hey princess lay off the guy, he can't swim

Bridgette says: She's right though, she said that it would be team versus team

Bridgette says: Heather is not going to let that go

Duncan says: And whose fault is that? It's not his fault the guy can't swim

DJ says: Oh no, I can swim

DJ says: I'm just DEATHLY afraid of the ocean

Courtney says: Ok? SO GET OVER IT!

DJ says: 😞

Geoff says: 🤨

Courtney says: I'm sorry, I just really want to win this challenge. I really hate that Heather.

Eva says: We ALL hate HEATHER!

Harold says: Seriously^

Duncan says: The girl is a pain in the ass yeah

Katie says: ^

Sadie says: ^^

Tyler says: ^^^

Geoff says: Something about her makes me not like her... and I NEVER not like anyone!☹️

Bridgette says: Alright we can sit here all day and talk about how much we all hate Heather

Bridgette says: Or we can kick her ass in surfing whose with me!

Courtney says: I'm with you!

Geoff says: Always with you!

Duncan says: Sure, whatever

Katie says: Totally!

Sadie says: Double totally!

Harold says: YEAH

Tyler says: LET'S GOOOO


DJ says: Ummmm I don't know

Courtney says: Please DJ? For the team?

DJ says: Alright... ok, I'll try

Bridgette says: Alriggghttt DJ!

Geoff says: I'm proud of you bud

Ezekiel says: What are we doing?

Bridgette says: 🤦🏼‍♀️

Courtney says: 🤦🏽‍♀️

Duncan says: 🤦🏻‍♂️

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