S1 • Ep27

508 9 2

To: Courtney

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Trent says: Duncan just messaged me

Courtney says: Really? Why? What did he say?

Trent says: He said something about us trying to break him and Gwen apart?

Courtney says: Ugh.

Trent says: You're not just hanging out with me to get to Gwen right?

Courtney says: No.

Trent says: Courtney...

Courtney says: Ok I possibly was at first, but you're actually ok. Like I like to discuss melodies and riffs with you.

Trent says: I like discussing music with you too

Trent says: But I like Gwen too much, I still have feelings for her

Courtney says: Ok?

Trent says: I'm sorry but I don't think we can really continue this, it might make things uncomfortable between Gwen and I so yeah

Courtney says: Ew.

Courtney says: You think I like you? As if.

Trent says: Ok you've been hanging out with Heather too much

Courtney says: Oops.

Trent says: So we're good?

Courtney says: Yeah, we're "good".

Trent says: I would like to ask you not to bother Gwen about any of this too

Courtney says: You really like her don't you?

Trent says: Yeahh

Courtney says: Who doesn't? I hate her for that.

Trent says: Wym?

Courtney says: She's too likeable. And no one that likeable can be trusted.

Trent says: Lol I beg it differ

Courtney says: Yawn🥱

Courtney says: Fine. I won't say anything to Gwen, just for you. If it weren't you I would destroy her.

Trent says: That's very... generous of you

Courtney says: I just want to ask, why do you care for her if she left you for that dud?

Trent says: She's still my friend. Besides, she broke it off with me beforehand. I can't blame her for going for Duncan... even though it hurts

Courtney says: You really are a good guy aren't you?

Trent says: I guess so? haha

Courtney says: Good for you.

Trent says: 🤨🧐

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