S1 • Ep11

513 6 0

To: Lindsay

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Heather says: Hey girl

Lindsay says: Oh hi Heather

Heather says: I just wanted to ask you a little favour

Lindsay says: Oh ok yeah?

Heather says: You know the photo copier in Chris' office on the top floor?

Lindsay says: Yeah I know it!

Heather says: I need you to photo copy something for me

Lindsay says: Oh ok what do you need me to photo copy?

Heather says: Gwen's diary

Lindsay says: Wait what

Heather says: I took a pdf scan on my phone of it, I just need you to put in on the photo copier

Lindsay says: Why do you need a photo copy of Gwen's diary?

Heather says: I don't need A photo copy, I need photo copies. And 22 to be exact

Lindsay says: Um I don't know

Lindsay says: Why do need photo copies of Gwen's diary?

Heather says: So I can share her excellent writing of course!

Heather says: Why won't you do this for me?

Heather says: Aren't we friends?

Lindsay says: Idk you're kind of mean to me

Heather says: What? You weren't actually taking me serious right?

Lindsay says: What?

Heather says: I was only joking all those times

Lindsay says: So every time you called me dumb and stupid and Lindsiot you were joking?

Heather says: Yep!

Lindsay says: And when you threatened to cut off all my hair?

Heather says: Well of course... best friend.

Lindsay says: See I knew you were just messing around and that Lindsiot was just a cute nickname you made for me

Heather says: Yeah ikr

Heather says: Ok so go make the photo copies and we'll slide them under every door after everyone is asleep ok?

Lindsay says: Alright!

Lindsay says: I'm soo glad we're actually having some bonding time together for once!

Heather says: Mhm same

Lindsay says: Ooh can Beth join too?

Heather says: Ok yeah sure whatever

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