S1 • Ep20

573 8 35

To: Duncan, Bridgette, Ezekiel, Izzy, Gwen, Katie, Sadie, Heather, Lindsay, Justin, Courtney, Cody, Tyler, Leshawna, Harold, Geoff, DJ, Trent, Eva, Beth, and Noah.

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Beth says: Oh my gosh I was like in the washroom all day yesterday

Beth says: Do NOT eat the breakfast burritos you guys

Heather says: Ew can you keep your butthole to yourself? That's like so upsetting to hear

Beth says: ...

Beth says: So what did I miss?

Lindsay says: Omg so much drama bestie

Lindsay says: So Heather and Glob are like in a internet feud

Lindsay says: Glob also broke it off with Trent

Lindsay says: Glob is like dating Duncan now

Lindsay says: And gidgette got back together big whoop like we didn't all see that coming am I right?

Gwen says: None of that made any sense and my name isn't glob

Beth says: Wait so Gwen and Duncan are dating now?

Lindsay says: YES! Isn't that just like so utterly and completely wrong?

Beth says: Wait what happened to Courtney

Courtney says: Unfortunately for Gwen and Duncan... Courtney is still here.

Duncan says: You know what? I've been thinking about something lately baby... I've realized that I don't need no woman telling me when to go to bed or when to brush my teeth

Courtney says: You are such a jackass. Don't even try to talk to me anymore.

Duncan says: We were going to break up anyways, I ain't never gonna be the man you want me to be. Until I die

Courtney says: Oh really? I hope that's soon. Also I wish I knew that we were going to break up BEFORE you started going out with GOTHY

Duncan says: Watch your damn mouth

Courtney says: G - O - T - H -Y

Gwen says: Wow... you're also calling me that now?

Courtney says: And for YOU. I thought we were friends... You and I never had problems, in fact I might have even liked you.

Courtney says: But Heather was right about you. You're nasty, maybe even nastier than her.

Heather says: Thank you, finally someone says it.

Gwen says: All of that just because I liked a boy?

Courtney says: All of that because you liked MY boyfriend.

Gwen says: You guys weren't even dating anymore...

Courtney says: We. were. still. dating.

Duncan says: Now now ladies there's enough of me to go around

Courtney says: Shut up Duncan, we're so through. I really thought we had something special. I was so wrong about you.

Duncan says: Look baby doll. I tried to warn you I ain't someone you can change

Courtney says: Maybe I'll shove you into a cake someday.

Duncan says: ...

Owen says: Wait Gwen actually started going out with Duncan? I thought that was all a joke

Gwen says: Yeah we are

Trent says: Owen imagine how I feel

Gwen says: ...

Izzy says: That is just so sick!🤢🤢🤢🤢I would never do that to one of my close friends!! Would you??? I mean I guess you would cause you did!!!! Hahaha that's so vile, I'm so sick just thinking about doing that to someone who trusted me lol but good for you! Couldn't be me though hahahahahahahahahahaha phew😅😮‍💨

Noah says: ☕️☕️

Gwen says: ... Not helping Izzy

Owen says: Umm maybe we should all just play truth or dare or something now?

Courtney says: Some stupid truth or dare game isn't going to fix all of this.

Duncan says: You got that right

Courtney says: Don't talk to me.

Izzy says: OH I know, I know!

Izzy says: We can watch a slasher!

Gwen says: Oh my god yeah I love teen slashers

Duncan says: Same like the one with the guy with a chainsaw and a hook

Gwen says: Fr and all the scream movies!

Duncan says: Nah the new scream movie doesn't slap as hard as the originals

Gwen says: They're all originals dumb ass it's the first ones you mean

Duncan says: Ah we got a smart-ass huh;)

Gwen says: Haha beats being a dumb ass like you;))

Duncan says: Haha whatever

DJ says: 😬

Courtney say: ...

Courtney say: Oh that is it.

Courtney left the chat.

Katie says: Good job Gwen

Sadie says: Yeah good job you guys

Gwen says: What?

Katie says: That was like totally bully behaviour

Sadie says: Oh my god yeah, so totally like bully behaviour

Gwen says: But, I'm not bullying...?

Bridgette says: I think Courtney would beg it differ😐😑😐

Geoff says: That was pretty harsh dude

Geoff says: Flirting with another chicks boyfriend right in front of her


Leshawna says: Girl you know I'll always have your back but this... you're on your own this time

Duncan says: Whatever

Duncan says: Courtney's got a pole up her ass

Trent says: At least she's not a lying cheater

Tyler says: Agreed

Noah says: Tyler and Trent telling you off? You're really screwed now delinquent.

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