S1 • Ep63

404 10 3

To: Duncan, Courtney, and Heather.

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Alejandro says: Are you ladies ready to go yet?

Courtney says: No. Heather is still doing her makeup... again.

Duncan says: Heather finish drawing on your eyebrows already we're starving

Heather says: Well at least I don't have a disgusting unibrow.

Duncan says: Just hurry it up, you're killing me here

Heather says: Killing you? Sounds like a win win situation for me

Alejandro says: Might I just say, you really don't need any makeup mi amour. You're just as beautiful as is🌹

Heather says: ...

Duncan says: Are you kidding? Have you seen her without the makeup on before? HAHA  now that's SCARY. And I watch a lot of horror movies

Heather says: Shut. It.

Courtney says: Heather hurry up. Duncan is hungry.

Heather says: Ok fine. I'm done

Alejandro says: Duncan, if you would like. Maybe I suggest you could just go right ahead without us

Duncan says: And miss out on watching this train wreck? I don't think so AL

Duncan says: Plus leaving you alone with Courtney. Do I look stupid to you?

Alejandro says: Somewhat

Courtney says: Shut up Al.

Heather says: Stop trying to getting rid of him

Alejandro says: Oh? But I am just looking out for our friend mi amour

Heather says: I thought you said you have no friends?🤨

Alejandro says: What? Me? Never!

Alejandro says: I'm just worried about our friend Duncan here. He doesn't seem to be too enthusiastic about our double date at all

Heather says: WELL HE IS. ISN'T HE

Duncan says: Oh yeah, I'm totally thrilled

Duncan says: In fact I'm so thrilled about our double date you could just hit me over the head with a giant bone already

Heather says: Well be careful for what you wish for!

Courtney says: HEATHER.

Heather says: Whatever let's just go already

Duncan says: Where are we going anyway?

Alejandro says: Well I made a reservation for us at one of the French restaurants

Alejandro says: And after that I thought we could go to one of the discos outside of the resort

Courtney says: What time is the reservation for the French restaurant at?

Alejandro says: ... Two hours ago


Heather says: I'm already done grandpa we already established that. Or are you just that forgetful you god damn dementia patient

Duncan says: ...

Courtney says: I can't believe we're late... again. Ugh now where are we going to eat?

Alejandro says: No it's ok we can still go

Alejandro says: I have my ways into getting in

Heather says: Does that include whoring around and flirting with the hostess as usual?🙄🙄

Alejandro says: Nope. But it does include some charming and a 20 dollar bill

Courtney says: So what Heather said but with money.

Duncan says: Literally

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