S1 • Ep47

470 7 8

To: Duncan, Bridgette, Ezekiel, Izzy, Owen, Gwen, Katie, Sadie, Heather, Lindsay, Justin, Courtney, Cody, Tyler, Leshawna, Harold, Geoff, DJ, Trent, Eva, Beth, Noah, Alejandro, Scott, and Sierra.

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Courtney says: Good morning everyone.

Harold says: Good morning!

Bridgette says: COURTNEY

Courtney says: What?

Leshawna says: GIRL DID YOU HEAR?

Courtney says: Hear what?


Courtney says: WHAT?

Heather says: They finally packed pretty boy up?

Courtney says: What are you guys talking about? What do you mean THEY took him?

Bridgette says: Courtney, Duncan got arrested this morning

Courtney says: No he didn't. You guys are messing with me.

Bridgette say: We're not joking Court. Geoff saw him get into the back of a cop car

Courtney says: Really?

Geoff says: It's true Courtney

Geoff says: They put the dude in handcuffs and everything

DJ says: I can't believe Chris actually called the cops dude...


Courtney says: I don't understand... What did Duncan do to get arrested?

Bridgette says: He took the blame for us...

Courtney says: The blame for what???? We didn't do anything?????? There has to be some mistake!

Leshawna says: Girl remember all the room service we ordered on Chris' credit card...

Courtney says: ...

Heather says: I can't believe it.

Heather says: That little punk took the fall for us...

Heather says: HAHAHAHAHA



Leshawna says: I saw this coming from a mile away... but going to jail for us? Did not see that coming

Bridgette says: Seriously.

Courtney says: I don't understand???? Why would he do that??????????

Geoff says: Uh I don't know maybe because HE'S IN LOVE WITH YOU

Courtney says: He is not in love with me.

DJ says: Idk man I wouldn't take the blame for something like that unless I was in love

Courtney says: They have no proof it was him though. Why would they arrest him?

DJ says: Because, he told the cops it was him when they showed up

Courtney says: WHY?

Geoff says: Chris was telling them someone on this show was committing credit card fraud. Bridge told me about it and I told Duncan and...

DJ says: The dude stepped up

Geoff says: Honestly, that's a hero if I've ever seen one

Heather says: More like complete blundering idiot

Courtney says: Heather, he could be facing up to two to ten years in prison. This is serious.

Heather says: So? Better him than us🤨

Trent says: That is so cold bruh

Gwen says: Sucks for him I guess

Courtney says: We have to do something about it.

Bridgette says: Do what? We can't do anything about it but turn ourselves in...

Leshawna says: And girl that means we'll be facing criminal charges and prison time too

Geoff says: Babe you can't go to jail! You're supposed to be a news anchor after this show is over!

Bridgette says: I am so scared Geoff I am so scared

Leshawna says: Oh hell naw I am not ready to go to jail. I haven't even gotten my hair did

Heather says: No way I'm bailing pretty boy out just because you're in love with him

Courtney says: Well we can't let him go to prison because of us guys.

Trent says: Courtney you have lawyers right? Call them up and get Duncan out of there!

Courtney says: I can't! They're on vacation. Those no-good useless money hungry vultures.

Leshawna says: Awwww nah I don't wanna go to jail. I don't wanna go to jail. I'm too young and too pretty for this awwww no way

Heather says: Says you. I'm way younger and prettier than you. I would never make it in prison!

Leshawna says: Girl shut the hell up😤😤

Courtney says: Ok, how about we don't turn ourselves in just yet.

Courtney says: I mean I just finished law school. I'm sure I can find a way out of this for ALL of us.

Sierra says: You better do it quick. Or his ass is in real big trouble.

Harold says: Ah what a beautiful day!

Bridgette says: Harold, you do know Duncan has just gotten arrested right?

Harold says: Yes. That's what makes it such a beautiful day!

Courtney says: STFU HAROLD.

Lindsay says: Wait

Lindsay says: They arrested Douglas!?

Trent says: Duncan^

Lindsay says: Him too??! How many people did they arrest!???

Gwen says: Uh

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