S1 • Ep3

878 17 69

To: Duncan, Bridgette, Ezekiel, Izzy, Owen, Gwen, Katie, Sadie, Heather, Lindsay, Justin, Courtney, Cody, Tyler, Leshawna, Harold, Geoff, DJ, Trent, Eva, Beth, and Noah.

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Bridgette says: Is anyone up right now?

Geoff says: You can't sleep too huh

Bridgette says: Yeah, I can never sleep on the first few nights in a hotel😭😭

Geoff says: Hey me too🤠 it's ok though! It'll get better tomorrow night!

Bridgette says: Yeah, that's so true

Bridgette says: Thanks Geoff

Geoff says: Of course🤠

Bridgette says: You really like that emoji huh? Lol

Geoff says: Yep!🤠

Courtney says: WHO is snoring so loudly on this floor?

DJ says: I think it's Duncan

Duncan says: It's not me man

Duncan says: It's nerd burger

Geoff says: Harold?

Duncan says: Yep.

Courtney says: Well can someone go over to his room and tell him to shut the hell up already?

Katie says: We tried waking him up but he was wearing tightly whities

Bridgette says: Ew

Courtney says: So?

Sadie: We saw IT... and we ran away

Courtney says: UGH.

Courtney says: Duncan, you're the one whose sharing a room with him.

Duncan says: So?

Courtney says: Well do something about it.

Duncan says: Hey I don't take orders from you princess

Courtney says: Ok fine, I guess NONE of us are sleeping tonight... :/

DJ says: Please man, just wake Harold up

Duncan says: I tried

Duncan says: I kicked him off the bed

Duncan says: But the geek can really sleep

Courtney says: Fine, I'll do it myself.

Bridgette says: Courtney where are you going?

Geoff says: Bro turn off the lamp light why are you reading at 4 AM

DJ: Cause I can't sleep dude

Bridgette: It's so unfair that Ezekiel, Eva, and Tyler get separate rooms on a different floor!

Geoff says: That's because they're all walking hazards to society😳

Duncan says: Uh huh and Harold isn't?

Sadie says: I love rooming with Katie!💕💗

Katie says: OMG and I love rooming with Sadie! 💞💓

Geoff says: That's cute

DJ says: It's so not fair that the other half of the group is sleeping on the bottom floor without Harold😭😭

Bridgette says: Ikr

Courtney says: Oh my god.

Duncan says: Hey princess, no one told you to come over here


Bridgette says: What happened?

Courtney says: I went to their room to wake Harold up and DUNCAN was NAKED.

Geoff says: AH MAN WHAT LMAO

DJ says: LOL

Geoff says: That's classic, whew

Courtney says: IT'S NOT FUNNY.


Duncan says: Calm down drama queen, no one made you yank the blanket off of me


Ezekiel says: Eh who woke the bear up eh?

Eva says: EXCUSE YOU?

Tyler says: Uh oh

Geoff says: Ah man, don't tell me you were...

Duncan says: I wasn't, relax

Duncan says: I was just sleeping without the briefs

Duncan says: It feels better on my kiwis

Bridgette says: I'm never eating kiwis again

DJ says: Amen to that sister

Courtney says: What kind of Neanderthal sleeps FULLY NAKED? You're so disgusting.

Owen says: What's the big deal? I sleep walk naked all the time!

Geoff says: Owen why are you awake?

Owen says: I can't sleep without a bed time story

Sadie says: Awe that's so sweet

Katie says: Double sweet

Duncan says: More like double pathetic

Courtney says: I'm washing my eyes out.

Duncan says: Oh please, you liked what you saw

Geoff says: 👀

Courtney says: I did not.

Duncan says: You definitely did.

Geoff says: Why were you even near Duncan when you went to their room?

Courtney says: BECAUSE he kept checking my ass out.

Courtney says: I pulled the sheets off of him but... ugh

Duncan says: Hey hey hey I was not checking your ass out honey. You were checking me out


Duncan says: I was turned around and you can definitely see the shape of it under the blanket

Courtney says: Ugh. You are such an ogre!

Duncan says: I've been called worse.

Courtney says: I'm going to bed.

Duncan says: No one invited you into mine but I'll let it slide this one time sweetheart

Courtney says: UGH.

DJ says: Uh hate to break it to you guys but Harold is still snoring...

Geoff says: Alright brb

Bridgette says: ??

Bridgette says: Where you going?

Geoff says: Going to go stick a sock in Harold's mouth lol🤠

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