S1 • Ep16

495 10 14

To: Duncan, Ezekiel, Owen, Justin, Courtney, Cody, Tyler, Harold, Geoff, Trent, and Noah.

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Cody says: Um the girls are going at it again

Trent says: Doing what?

Tyler says: Really? They're having a pillow fight again? Can I see?

Cody says: No. I wish! They're fighting fighting again

Geoff says: I am so sick of hearing them fight

Geoff says: Like cat fights are hot and all but this is just one two many screaming matches

Justin says: Me too man, me too

DJ says: Heather nearly gave me a heart attack last night when Gwen posted that birthday thing about her, she went off

Owen says: You're telling me!

Owen says: Heather screamed so high pitch last night it broke one of the light bulbs in my room!

Ezekiel says: That IS freaky

Noah says: Says you

Owen says: I say we have a boys night out tonight! No chicks allowed

DJ says: I'm in

Cody says: No ladies? That just sounds like every night for me!

DJ says: 😯

Trent says: Sure, I could spend a little time away from Gwen and Heather's fighting

Harold says: I don't know, I've been rizzing up Leshawna this whole week and I thought tonight might be the night for a break through

Noah says: Gee really? Because from my point of view she is utterly revolted by you

Harold says: ...

Noah says: ☕️

Owen says: 🥤

Harold says: No she isn't! GOSH

Tyler says: I like Lindsay and all but she doesn't even remember my name so I say yes

Geoff says: I don't know...

Duncan says: What? You letting surfer chick tie you down like that?

Geoff says: No... but I really like Bridge

Duncan says: You know she's just a chick right? She could leave you just like that if she wanted to

Geoff says: Damn, that kinda bums me out dude

Geoff says: Ok I'm in too

Ezekiel says: Alright! No chicks

Duncan says: Not like you had any problems with that in the first place gollum

Justin says: 💀

Owen says: Alright so we're meeting in the other sports bar that Bridgette didn't throw up in tonight?

Duncan says: Can't.

DJ says: Why not?

Duncan says: Courtney wants me to do the laundry tonight

Geoff says: Dude you're doing her laundry?

Duncan says: Yeah... so?

Geoff says: And you were calling me whipped and "tied down"...🤠

Duncan says: Bro it's Courtney though

Owen says: You're doing a girls laundry? Haha oh man Geoff was right😅

Owen says: You are whipped!

Duncan says: Hey I am NOT whipped. I do not get whipped by any chick

Courtney says: :/

Courtney says: Duncan.

Duncan says: Hi honey

Courtney says: We need to talk.

Duncan says: Yes dear.

Owen says: Um why is Courtney in the guys group chat?

DJ says: Because Duncan added her in when he was bored

Harold says: *Ahem* LOSER

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