(𝟒) 𝐝𝐣.𝐩𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭!

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dj.png Excited to hear that Duncan is free. Or as he would say, "Fall in soldier, I salute you!" Photo creds to @heatherkasuga 📷

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bridge 🫡
4h 114 likes    Reply Send
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dj.png @bridge 🫡
2h 87 likes    Reply Send

partyhardyg Another fallen soldier? I don't think so🤠
4h 70 likes    Reply Send
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dj.png God bless his unconventional soul
2h 65 likes    Reply Send

gweningrid Valid ass pic🙂 even though Heather took it...
4h 214 likes    Reply Send
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dj.png @gweningrid thanks Gwen!
2h 66 likes    Reply Send
heatherkasuga @gweningrid You're just jealous that no one wants to take pictures of you:p
2h 217 likes    Reply Send

lindsaynotlohan AJ!!
5h 62 likes    Reply Send
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dj.png @lindsaynotlohan Lindsaayy!!
2h 43 likes    Reply Send

www.trent Looking fresh as always
5h 270 likes    Reply Send
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léshawnaléshaniqua @www.trent Periodt.
3h 145 likes    Reply Send

yourboycody You think they have good food in prison?
5h 97 likes    Reply Send
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jockybutnotcocky I think so
5h 82 likes    Reply Send
owenlikesinstagram HELL YEAH!
3h 44 likes    Reply Send

ale.jandro.bebé Cool vest mi amigo
5h 109 likes    Reply Send
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heatherkasuga Stop trying to steal my friends
5h 210 likes    Reply Send

court.net He's not free yet.
2h 372 likes    Reply Send
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dj.png @court.net I know you're worried about him but I'm sure he's ok
2h 54 likes    Reply Send

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