S1 • Ep44

494 9 33

To: Duncan, Bridgette, Ezekiel, Izzy, Owen, Gwen, Katie, Sadie, Heather, Lindsay, Justin, Courtney, Cody, Tyler, Leshawna, Harold, Geoff, DJ, Trent, Eva, Beth, Noah, Alejandro, Scott, and Sierra.

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Owen says: ALRIGHT! Breakfast! breakfast! I love breakfast! 🥞 🍳 🧇 🥓 🥯🍞🥛☕️🧃🥣

Cody says: You got that right my man!🧃

DJ says: Pass the apple juice please

Tyler says: I got you

Harold says: I am violently allergic to apples🤒😷

Noah says: Same.

Lindsay says: You're like allergic to everything Nick

Noah says: I'm also allergic to people who can't remember simple names

Owen says: Lol

Lindsay says: REALLY?

Noah says: ...

Izzy says: Aren't you like allergic to insects too?

Noah says: No that's Cody

Cody says: I'm like allergic to

Sierra says: He's allergic to black ants, brown ants, red ants, bejo beads, wolf spiders, cicada crickets, katydids, the clear-winged seranious butterfly and goat saliva

Cody says: H- how did you know that...?

Tyler says: Bro stuttered over text message


Geoff says: What the hell Eva

Izzy says: Why? What did he say?

Trent says: Is this about the comment he made on Alejandro's post yesterday?

Geoff says: No.

Bridgette says: Yes.

Geoff says: Bridgette I'm sorry ok? You're the finest babe here. If I were Alejandro I would still be going for you over Heather any day

Bridgette says: Awe really??

Geoff says: Of course babe, you're my girl

Heather says: Ew you're a buffoon

Alejandro says: You got that right

Beth says: They are making out beside me and I'm trying to eat my French toast in peace

Geoff says: Who? Alejandro and Heather?

Beth says: No. YOU and BRIDGETTE

Heather says: Ew we would never make out in public

Duncan says: ... in public

Harold says: 🤓🤓

Heather says: Shut up you dorks🙄

Alejandro says: ;)

Izzy says: How did the date go you guys?

Katie says: Omg yeah! How did it go?

Sadie says: Yeah omg tell us all the details!

Heather says: Not bad.

Alejandro says: Ah c'mon mi amour. You know it was better than "not bad"

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