S1 • Ep42

471 6 0

To: Gwen

(i) Never give out your password or credit card information in an instant message conversation.

Courtney says: Heather is only flirting with Duncan to get to Alejandro.

Courtney says: So if you could stop messing everything up, like you always do. That would be great.

Gwen says: Wait what? I don't understand

Gwen says: Don't you still like Duncan? Why would you be ok with Heather using him like that?

Courtney says: I'm over him. After what you guys did to me behind my back I've been over him for a while now.

Gwen says: Courtney, I've been meaning to apologize to you about that

Gwen says: I'm sorry for dating Duncan when he was still with you

Gwen says: I thought I would never be that type of girl, but it just kind of happened

Courtney says: Things like that don't just "happen" Gwen.

Gwen says: You're right

Gwen says: I'm sorry

Gwen says: I was wrong to be going out with Duncan when he didn't break up with you yet

Courtney says: I accept your apology.

Courtney says: But only because I'm tired of being mad at you, not because I think you deserve forgiveness.

Gwen says: I'll take it...

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