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A full circle.

You turned left four times in a row, turning down every corner after three blocks. He was following you...he may have been trailing behind you but he purposely kept the same pace as you. Your heart was pounding, you couldn't just feel it in your chest but throughout your entire body. Your feet were numb, the air around you was cold and you'd been walking for a while now.

This had been going on for a month, exactly a month.

You were constantly being followed...you couldn't tell the police because telling them meant explaining to them why you were being followed and not to mention you couldn't escape from this "stalker" for even a second to tell the police.

You grabbed your keys out of the pocket in your heavy jacket, you walked up the cement steps to the entrance of your building and you opened the door. You walked up the wooden steps, just two flights of stairs until you reached your apartment level where you unlocked your door and you didn't lock it behind you for obvious reasons.

He was always twenty seconds behind you, it had been a month so you started timing him. You set your bag down on the couch, five seconds later after entering your apartment, he entered and stood in one of the three spots he chose from. He took the spot in the hall leading to the front door and just stood there, he never checked his phone...he never spoke to you, he only ever stared at the wall.

"What? No standing by my bedroom door tonight? How kind of you," you taunt and look at him, he refuses to acknowledge you, of course.

You walk off toward your bedroom and shut and lock your bedroom door after you. You step into your room and start walking towards the bathroom, you took five steps before there was a knock on your bedroom.

You froze in your footsteps and turned your head, he'd never knocked on your door before. Ever.

You went to go open it, hesitantly.

"You need to leave your door open." He claims, you narrowed your brows paired with a squint because that has never been a "rule" before.

"Since when? And why? I haven't said anything to anyone." You questioned, expecting an answer but all that happened is the man turning around with his back to you in the middle of your doorway.

The man you'd been followed by for a month was tall, he had a wider frame with broad shoulders and appeared built. His hair was an ash brown and his face was the most chiseled you'd ever seen.

"I'm not sleeping like this." You announce, hoping that he'll move so you can close the door but he doesn't even budge.

"Excuse me." You poke his shoulder, trying to get him to at least look at you but he doesn't so you're forced to walk around him and place yourself directly in front of him.

"Take me to the man I saw that night. This little "arrangement" can't continue any further." You fold your arms across your chest comfortably and look at him in his light brown eyes.

"That's not possible."

"Why? Is he in jail like he should be?" You scoff, he looks away from you after your comment and you exhale in annoyance.

"Fine." You make a rash decision and walk over to your bag on the couch, you open it and grab your phone from the little pocket inside your bag.

You can feel the man looking at you to see what you're doing but he doesn't say anything, you couldn't let this continue so you did the only thing you thought would work. You unlock your phone and dial for 9-1-1.

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