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It's been a full week now since you've been with Eren at the cabin. For the past two days, he's been having you do very light stretching, almost none at all but he keeps telling you that you're at a point where you shouldn't stay in bed all day.

A few days ago, he told you he had a car parked on the side of the road a few miles away. He had clothes in there for you and went to go get them so you had some of your own things to wear. You didn't think he had that much of a plan when he got you from Reiner but clearly he did.

He tells you that after a month he'll look into physical therapy, you told him about Reiner removing your rib, and after that, he didn't really have you do upper body stretches.

You wanted cereal but it was on top of the fridge, and you still couldn't lift your arms above your shoulders. You got up on the counter and tried to reach for the cereal.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Eren snaps at you and immediately pulls you off of the counter and pushes your arm down so you don't raise it any further.

"I wanted cereal." You profess and he sighs and grabs it for you instead.

"You shouldn't strain yourself, you haven't done any exercises to raise your arm that high anyway. You still have two and half weeks left until physical therapy." He says and you just take the cereal box from him.

"Are you going to be my physical therapist?" You ask while pouring the cereal into the bowl.

"Yes. I don't want anyone else touching you." 

"But you haven't gone through any training and you're not licensed." You mumble and grab a spoon from the drawer.

"I contacted a physical therapist who specializes in rib resection surgery. He's telling me everything I need to know about it with a detailed regimen of the exercises I need to have you doing." He holds his phone up with the messages from the physical therapist he was talking to.

"That's not your phone,"

"It's a burner. I turned my other phone off, I don't feel like talking to anyone right now." He explains, you tilt your head to the side and squint.

"But you're talking to me."

"You aren't "anyone"." He corrected, you took a spoonful of cereal to your mouth.

"Just...ask me if you need something that's too high up." He insists, you nod your head because you know he won't stop staring at you until you do.

"I'm going to take a nap." You dismissed yourself, you washed your bowl of cereal and Eren made his way to the living room.

You were still having a lot of trouble sleeping but you didn't want to burden Eren with asking him to sleep with you. So, today you napped alone. Eren watched you go into the hall from the living room, you could feel him gazing at you but you didn't turn around.

You enter the bedroom and climb into bed, it was raining and thundering outside so you hoped the sounds of the rain would help you sleep. You pull the cover over your shoulder and shut your eyes to the sounds of rain pattering against the window.

This is supposed to bring you peace. The silence of the house, the silence of your sleep...and it does bring you peace, but not for long.

You don't sleep for very long. You wake up an hour later from a loud sound coming outside the window directly across the room, it's still storming outside but the noise sounds like a person. When your eyes open you swear you see Reiner rush past the window, you're absolutely terrified.

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