Never Stop

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Our relationship has changed. There was no denying that, it was a fact.

After going with her to the beach and spending an eternity together in the water, until the sun went down, I took her out to dinner. We talked freely, I can admit that it was strange being able to talk to someone so honestly. I wanted to know her and that meant answering her questions about me too but in return, I got some answers from her as well. I got to understand her better, but it still wasn't enough.

I want more...and I always will.

The sun disappeared quickly before we even realized it, we'd been talking so much we hadn't noticed the lack of sun and our finished plates of food. Whenever I drove her back to the villa I drove significantly slower, watching her drown herself in amazement was far from a sore sight.

She had this control over me that was different than anything I'd experienced before, she had control but the things I did under her control were things I wanted to do.

I opened the bedroom door with her lips latched to mine, my hands returning to her hips as I guided her back and into the room. I shut the bedroom door behind me, the balcony double doors were wide open and the light from the moon was shining into the room from above the balcony. The moonlight was the only light in the room, the rest of it was dark and I didn't bother flicking the lights on.

Her hands were wrapped around the back of my neck, she would never kiss me back as eagerly as I kissed her. There was no way she could ever want me as badly as I wanted her because I didn't want her. I needed her.

Her body fit so perfectly in my hands, her lips latched onto mine was the missing piece to my puzzle. I've never felt so complete—so whole than I do when I'm with her.

This was forever. Being here in Rome was our forever. We stopped in the center of the room, her hands tightening over the back of my neck and my hands firmly gripping her hips before I pulled my lips from her just a little, leaving my forehead pressed to hers.

"I want to take my time with you." I whispered to her, her eyelashes fluttered a little and she's got the softest most subtle smile on her face.

But I wasn't looking at her lips, I backed my head from hers just a little and found myself lost in her eyes. Her eyes were telling me the impossible...her eyes were telling me that she too wanted this forever. It couldn't have been a lie, this was coming from her eyes which made it true.

I took my hand off her hip and brought it up to her face, cupping her cheek in my hand. I brushed my thumb against her soft skin, admiring the glass that she was...delicacy was beautiful, especially on her.

I couldn't risk losing her again, I wouldn't. She was too fitting in my life, she was too perfect for me to push away. I have always put myself first, I was the highest in my life and everything and everyone else was beneath me in terms of what I valued.

But her...there was nobody higher in my life than her, she was farther from everyone and everything miles. I held her closer than myself to my own heart.

She looks me in the eye as she releases her hands from the back of my neck. Her hands meet with the ends of her shirt, she pulls it up slowly and over her head. Her shirt hits the floor, she reaches for her waistline and unbuttons her jeans, she unzips them and pulls them off to leave on the floor as well.

She doesn't break eye contact the entire time, she stands in front of me in her black bra and matching underwear. I find it insane that she thought her scars took away from her beauty, if anything, they added to it. Her scars told me that she's been through hell and came out of the fire alive, her scars tell me that she is the strongest person I will ever know and that is breathtakingly beautiful to me.

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