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"So that's it?"

"Until you get me more information on her, that's all I'll allow for now." I redirected firmly and continued cleaning my gun with a pale blue cloth.

"Do you think she's dangerous?" Connie asked, he looked like he'd been holding that question in as he stood next to me and I set my gun down on the table.

"Dangerous to who? Maybe to Jean."  I chuckled softly and held up another gun to observe it, making sure it was cleaned.

"He said she dressed up as a nurse and that's how she got in and found his room. We found his phone in the stairwell she escaped from, I'm checking for fingerprints now." He informed and I didn't acknowledge him at all but instead continued to clean my gun.

"Also, I called in Ar—"

"Anybody wanna tell me why Jean's getting his ass whooped so much?!" Armin enters through my front door with his duffle bag in his hand.

I glared at Connie with a slight squint before Armin walked over to make his presence more known.

"She's not a serious threat, I don't know why you called him." I shrugged and picked up another gun to clean.

"Wow. What a warm welcome!" Armin remarks sarcastically and sets his bag down on the floor.

I ignored both of them, I told Connie to get me more information before anything else happened but until then, she was free to live another day unharmed.

"Did I tell you she stabbed him with a butter knife and then dressed up as a nurse so she could shoot him??" Connie informs Armin and at this point all I wanted was silence so I grabbed the gun off the table and handed it to Connie.

"If you have that much of a problem with her, go kill her yourself." I brush off and look at him right in the eye, I look at him with nothing holding me back from the words that escape my lips.

"And you'd have no problem with that? You're not intrigued by her in the slightest?"

His questions begin to irritate me, I want to ignore him. I want to be left alone with my guns that I've been polishing but that isn't possible.

"His silence means that he is intrigued by I'm interested." Armin joins in and I turn my head from looking down to the left where they both stand.

"Both of you get out." I demand without even blinking.

My truth was one I couldn't face.

Because the truth was that I am intrigued by her. I am interested in more than her capabilities, it is her capacity that interests me. How much she is able to endure is astonishing, how much she is able to face with no more than a squint of her eyes...warps my vision.

She makes the clear...blurry.


"Are you sure you're safe y/n?"

"No. But to be fair, I've never been sure." You shrug with the phone to your ear and your silver spoon in a bowl of cereal.

"What are you going to do now?" Mikasa's voice holds some worry to it while yours is lacking any worry at all.

"I'm back at my apartment. If they want to kill me, they're going to try to wherever I am and I'd rather be in the comfort of my own home when I die." You scoop up another mouthful and already anticipate Mikasa's response to your careless tone.

"Don't say things like that! Can't you get into a witness protection program or something of the sort?!"

"I could but I won't." You continued eating your cereal like nothing in this world mattered at all aside from your cereal.

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