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"Where the hell is my wife?!"

"Eren--" Connie tries to explain but I don't even hear him, I don't hear anything at all.

She's gone. She completely vanished and nobody saw anything, not even the cameras got footage of her leaving but she wasn't here.

I've flipped this house upside down looking for her, it's been nearly an hour of looking for her and she wasn't here. I stood in the living room, scanning the room with my eyes until I spotted something.

Car keys and her wedding ring.

I approached, they were car keys in the corner of the room and y/n didn't have any car keys. I picked up the keys and the ring before immediately recognizing the keychain attached to the keys, I turned around slowly and stared right at him.

"Why the fuck did she have your keys?!" I stood directly in front of him with his keys in my hand and I was angry, visibly angry.

"She asked me if she could go see her friend...she seemed upset so I gave her my keys but if they're still here then that meant she didn't make it to my car--"

"You gave her your fucking keys?! Do you realize how much danger she's in if she leaves this house by herself, you idiot?!" I shouted at him, Armin interjected after entering the room in a rush and he pushed me away from Connie.

"Eren. If you're holding the keys and Connie's car is out front that means she never left this house. That corner is the only blindspot there is...that means she was kidnapped and she was kidnapped from inside the house Eren. It wasn't Connie's fault." Armin's arm is across my chest, separating me from killing Connie like I wanted to.

I glanced down at the wedding ring in the palm of my hand, she was taken from my own house...the one place I thought she'd be safe.


Three hours before.

"And you're not asking Eren for this favor...why?" Connie asks and squints in skepticism.

"Armin told me that he left a little while ago. I promise I'll be quick, I just really need to talk to her." You begged him, he sighed and scratched his head, after a moment he reached into his pocket and handed you his car keys.

"You have an hour, if you are even a second late...Eren will actually kill me. Please don't take too long."

"Thank you! I owe you for this." You took the keys from him, he nodded his head and walked out the front door behind you.

You watch him leave, you can hear a car starting and he drives off, it wasn't surprising that he had multiple cars. You left your phone on the chair in the living room, you hurried over to lean over the chair and grab it. You picked up your phone and stood there, Mikasa texted you confirming the bakery you were meeting at.

You turned around, you looked up from your phone and that's when all control left your hands. You're yanked forward, right into his arms...Grisha. He covers your mouth with his hand and immediately stabs something into your neck, he's pulled you into the corner, and before you know it, your eyes close.

You don't know how long your eyes were closed but what you do know is that you woke up much later, in an unfamiliar room. You were freezing, your vision was blurred and you looked around slowly. The wallpaper in the room was a light blue, it was old and peeling off the walls, you woke up on the floor, the cold floor. You tried to get up but you couldn't stand, you were feeling too dizzy and your body was weak.

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