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"This is her?" Eren's face remains unchanged, he shifts his eyes from you to the man who is behind you and you presume that he nods to confirm.

"Take her upstairs Jean. He dismisses of you just like that, he turns around and you scrunch up your brows, completely confused that after you even came here he wouldn't hear you out.

"This little situation you have going on here, in my apartment, won't work anymore!" You shouted when he started walking away from you, Jean tried grabbing you again but you snatched your arm away from him and took steps following after Eren.

"It won't work anymore?" He repeats to you and you lock your gaze in with his.

"No. It won't."

"Okay...I understand." Eren nods his head with a straight face, dropping the smirk he had on his face from before to a more serious expression.

Something about the situation wasn't right...everybody in the room had focused their eyes on you...except for Eren. Eren looks up and sets his gaze on Jean behind you, communicating something to him with just his eyes and only his eyes. He didn't utter a single word, not a single syllable left the space between his lips yet something was said to Jean through Eren.

Your arm gets grabbed suddenly, you look back and find Jean with his hand wrapped around your right arm aggressively, he yanks you around and walks you away and back in the direction you came from.

"Make sure "this" works for her Jean." Eren snickers and goes back to his poker game at the table while you're getting pulled away and directed up the steps with no other choice but to follow.

When you got through the basement door, Jean points to the couch in the living room. You were hesitant, you assessed the rest of the room before you complied and sat down on the couch once you realized you two were the only ones in the area.

You sit down on the dark brown leather couch, Jean trails off behind you and ends up sitting on the couch across from you. He doesn't spend his time looking at you, he pulls out his phone and scrolls on it like this is a situation where casual behavior is the right move.

You wanted to be couldn't live your life like this where some man would just follow you around twenty-four hours a day. You had to stay calm, that was the only way you'd get out of here. You looked around, making note of anything that would help you or give you leverage if things took a turn for the worst.

You noticed a table near the door, one of the legs in the front to the left was worn down and you could tell it was loosely screwed from the rest of the table.

"How long are we going to sit up here?" You inquired and look back over to him sitting on the couch across from you.

He ignores you, as you expected so you sit there for a moment in silence. You get up from the couch, you didn't have to look at Jean to know that his eyes had shot up from his phone over to you. You began walking towards the front door, you heard Jean get up off the couch.

"Sit down." He demanded, if you didn't already have a plan then you probably would've sat down when he told you to.

You waited three more seconds, not a second before and not a second after with your back facing him and you in front of the table by the front door.

You quickly lean down and yank the leg of the table off the table, it pulls off easily and you turn around and slash down on the side of Jean's face with the wooden table leg as hard as you possibly could. He hit the floor and you reached into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out his car keys. You clenched the car keys in the palm of your hand tightly.

You twisted the lock on the door and ran out as fast as you could. Jean was a big guy...tall and also muscular so him hitting the floor the way he did definitely alerted all the men in the basement.

You had every expectation that they would all figure out what you did fairly quickly, meaning you had no time to rethink your plan but instead just act. You ran out of the house, down the steps, and down the driveway into the night sky until you reached his car.

You quickly unlocked the car doors, when you swung the car door open you saw a few men standing at the front door which was wide open now. His car was'd never driven an electric car before but you didn't have the time to figure out all the buttons.

You started the car as fast as you could while constantly looking up at the men charging at his car in the driveway. You backed out of the driveway quickly, you were backing up dangerously fast given the fact that it was so dark with no street lights you could barely see what was behind you.


The windshield shatters with a single gunshot...then another one hits your tire. The car stops, and you look over and see the passenger seat with a bullet hole right in the center. Even though you were in a state of complete terror, you didn't have the time to sit there and panic...especially now.

You get out of the car as fast as possible, even with all three men charging at you. You turn around after spotting a car parked on the street by the sidewalk across from the driveway. The car was old...definitely a model from the 90's so you ran towards the car with a plan.

The only plan.

Your only option that may or may not work.

You didn't look back, you ran right across the street as fast as you could. With all the adrenaline running through your body you knew you were capable enough to do what you did next. You turn your body to the side and slam your elbow right into the window, it shatters, and because of it being an older model you easily unlocked the car without a key and you leaned down and hot-wired the car as fast as you could.

They were getting closer, you shocked yourself with how fast you ran but it only bought you a few extra seconds so you only had one tey to get the hot-wiring right. You hadn't hotwired a car since you were a teenager but as soon as your fingers hit the wires it became muscle successfully started the car the second the man was at your car and you didn't waste any time before stepping on the gas and driving straight ahead to who knows where.

Your bloodied elbow dripped blood over the car, you were panting loudly...there was no way that all just happened to you but it did. You drove off as fast as possible, you were sure as hell that the one who shot your window was Eren...he was clearly at the top of whatever "food chain" they had going on but you wanted no part of any of that.


"He missed..." One of my men whispers to another and I groan and tuck my gun away.

"On purpose. He wasn't trying to kill her." The other one corrected and I looked at all three of the idiots walking back toward the house, I stopped them before they got close to the door and gave them a new task I expected to be fulfilled.

"Get her."

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