Life for a Life

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"Do you have to go?"

"It makes the most sense." He mutters while taking his gun off the nightstand and sliding it against his hip.

You watched him pack a small duffel bag of just a few of his things and your heart sank. Logically, he was right, him leaving made the most sense in order for you both to fulfill what you wanted. But your heart said otherwise, now that you knew what it was like to be with Eren so closely, you never wanted to be without him.

He zips up the bag and turns around with it in his hand to look at you. You don't even hide the dissatisfaction in your face. Everything you've ever had has been taken from you...Eren was the last of what has yet to be taken and you didn't want that to change.

"Stay." You demand and he just steps toward you and shakes his head before cupping your cheek with his hand.

"You know I can't do that mien—"

"My love...Carla told me that it means "my love". Is that true?" You interrupted before he could even finish and you watched as his expression grew a little softer before he decided to answer.

He doesn't speak just yet, he unexpectedly kisses you for a short second and then decides to answer.

"Yes. It's true." He confirmed and even with his confirmation that you didn't need but sought out anyway, your heart still fluttered.

"Then stay...stay with me. I know you're going through a lot and I know that Carla was all you had left but you're all I have left and I don't want that to change. I don't want you to die Eren...just tell me what's going through your mind and maybe I could help." You spoke quickly, too quickly that most wouldn't understand you but Eren heard every word.

He takes his hand off your cheek after gazing at you for a few minutes more. You want to help him, truly, but even you know that this is something he had to figure out for himself.

"I'm lost...I have clarity on the situation in front of me but...I'm still lost." He confesses and even though you asked for his honesty, you didn't think you'd get it from him.

"And my mother is not all I had left, I have you." He corrected and if these were different circumstances it probably would have made you smile but you didn't.

Instead, you could feel your eyes swelling with tears you were trying to avoid, you've spent your whole life wishing you never lost your mother and you did not want to spend the rest of it wishing you never lost Eren.

"My father murdered my mother for the purpose of starting a war between the two of us and that is what he will get. He thinks I don't know about Zeke but I and I both have plans we want to carry out, I don't want them to cross paths. I will come back to you." He promises while standing in front of you, giving you a gentle expression even though you should be the one pretending to be stronger than you are.

He puts his hand against your cheek again but this time it is not to speak words you want to hear, it is to speak of what you need to hear. He looks you in the eye and holds your face in his hand while looking at you ever so lovingly.

"You are so much stronger than you think you are...I need you to believe it, believe in what you are capable of. Reiner owes you a debt and so does my father...remind them of the debt they owe you and have them pay." He said firmly, speaking so directly that you could not have mistaken his tone for anything else other than assertive.

He meant what he said and every word along with it, he planted another kiss on your lips and this kiss was different. This kiss was not a goodbye, this kiss was a promise he meant to keep and you found comfort in that. When it felt like he might pull away you kissed him for a moment longer and that was the end of it.

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