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You actively waited for Eren to return, you had hundreds of questions that needed answering. He wasn't the most reliable person when it came to a schedule, he didn't have a schedule at all.

It could be days before he came home again, you really didn't know. Hours pass and he doesn't come home, you're driving yourself crazy waiting for him, and it's driving you even crazier that nobody will answer any of your questions.

"Can't you just call him?" You begged Armin but he just sighed again as you pulled on his arm.

"He's meeting with the others, I'm sure when he's done he'll come upstairs and talk to you."  He expresses and you continue tugging at his arm before you really thought about what he said.

"He's here?!" You let go of him and stared at him all wide-eyed, he realized his mistake when you turned around and started walking towards the hall to get to the basement.

"Y/n, you can't—"

"I can actually because I know that Eren will kill you if you touch me and to stop me, you'd have to touch me." You hurried off to the hall with Armin chasing after you and you swung the door open to the basement once you reached it, you ran down the steps and heard Eren giving out orders to his men.

All eyes in the room were on you once you reached the bottom of the steps.

"Is there a reason you're interrupting?" Eren inquires when he sees you and Armin a few feet behind you.

"You promised me answers. Where are my answers?"

"You will get your answers when I give them to you. Barging in here when I'm busy is not how you get your answers." He corrects and he has this sternness in his voice that just rubs you the wrong way.

You do the one thing that has gotten you a genuine reaction out of him, a raw reaction. He goes back to talk with his men and you can see Armin glaring at you from your peripheral. What you were about to do was definitely something only an idiot would do but you were an idiot who wants answers, that's all you've ever wanted and he's withholding them.

You look down at your hand and slide the engagement ring off your finger and you throw it at him. You throw your engagement ring at a man standing at 6'0, 180 pounds of muscle who happens to be in a room full of weapons and men as his dispose. You throw a ring at the man who could kill you without thinking twice. The ring hits his chest in the middle of his sentence and there it is—he freezes again.

"Answers." You demanded, he leaned down and picked up the ring off the ground.

He holds the ring between his thumb and his pointer finger and observes it for a moment, he looks at it like he can't believe that this very ringer isn't on your finger. He finally looks up, Armin steps away from you the second Eren puts his first food forward and starts walking across the room to you. You couldn't hide it, you were scared and you took a step back as he got closer but when he was finally close enough all he did was take your hand and slide the ring right back on.

"Don't that again." He holds your hand just a moment longer while he makes sure that you heard him correctly.

He lets go of your hand and starts walking up the steps to the right of you.

"You want your answers, don't you? Let's go." He walks up the steps and you hurry past Armin to follow after Eren.

You follow after him all the way upstairs and he leads you to the office on the top floor where you hid from him a few days ago. He opens the door and reaches over to a box sitting on top of the file cabinet and he drops it right on top of the desk.

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