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Calling the night you spent in this hotel "the worst sleep ever" was an understatement. You couldn't even close your eyes without seeing him that effortlessly he took the life of not just one person but five. That wasn't even bad luck, you must've gotten bad karma of some sort because you just happened to be there, and seeing him caused all of this.

Caused you to be where you are right now...doing what you're doing right now.

"Where are you right now?! I'll pick you up!" Mikasa questions you eagerly over the phone.

"I don't want to get you involved in this...and I have a ride." You said roughly to her, rushing through the parking garage in a hurry.

"A ride? Didn't you say you don't have your car?"

"I don't but I'm in a parking garage full of cars. I'll just take one." You clarified just before setting your eyes on the car you were planning on breaking into.

"Y/n don't—"

"Gotta go. You can lecture me about how this is illegal later." You say way too fast into the phone before hanging up and sliding your phone into your back pocket.

You began taking off your jacket on the way to the car, and you held it in your hand. You walked up to the black car, all black tinted windows and you grabbed a nearby block of concrete from remodeling going on within the parking garage. You threw it at the window and the glass shattered everywhere, as expected. You unlocked the car door whilst the alarm blared loudly , you quickly put your jacket down over the seat and reached your hands down under the steering wheel to begin hot wiring it as fast as you could.

You didn't have much time, you gave it about thirty more seconds before you're miracle hit you and you got the car started.

You pulled out of the parking spot quickly and began driving down the parking garage on your way out. You hadn't even fully thought out your plan but you knew within the next hour you'd have an opening to grab the cash you needed from your apartment.

Whoever those men were, they weren't people you wanted any part of and you needed to keep as much distance from them as possible. You had no intentions of reporting them to the police, you didn't care what other people did, including if what they were doing was illegal.

Not to mention, the constant fear that they were near was really starting to piss you off. You'd dealt with Jean being in your apartment for far too long, you refused to let that continue.

You were speeding in the city, making harsh turns while paying attention to all the street names because you were somewhat familiar with the area. You sped as fast as you could handle, the car reeked of cigarettes but you kept driving until you made it to an area you were complete familiarized with, which let you know you were close to home.

You made all the right turns and paid attention to how much gas was left in the tank. You'd have to get another car but you decided on taking the subway to leave the city without a trace of yourself.

You knew going back to your apartment was a big risk but you needed that money. It was money you'd been saving since you were a teenager, you could use that money to survive from now on. You'd be quick, in and out without being seen.

You parked the car next to the sidewalk, terribly parked, and you hopped out to rush over to your building. Your keys were in your pocket and you hurried and unlocked the door before you ran up two flights of stairs to get to your door.

You shoved your key in the doorknob and turned it to the left until the door unlocked, you pushed it open and immediately ran in and headed towards your money. Your money was hidden in a space behind your wall in your living room.

The space was behind your couch so you pushed the couch away from the wall and got between the couch and the wall. You crouched down and used a butterknife you had stored behind the couch on the floor, you carved out the space in the wall where your money was, making a mess but you couldn't care less.

"Well, you just made this a whole 'lot easier for me." Jean clicks his tongue to the roof of his mouth after emerging from the hallway and looking to the right to find you on the floor in front of the walk snatching a duffle bag filled with money.

You froze, you didn't even gulp you were so terrified. You knew better than to stay frozen though, you started coming up with ideas on the best way possible to get away safely but he made sure the gun on his hip was sticking out enough for you to see. It was pretty hard to avoid someone with a gun.

But there was one faster than the person with the gun, there was no way to be faster than a bullet but being faster than a person was doable. You waited until he took three more steps to you, he was within reach so you clutched the butter knife in your fist. Butter knives weren't as sharp meaning you'd have to apply more force to make more than a scratch against him.

"Did I?" You questioned before bringing your arm down quickly and jabbing the knife directly into his thigh as hard as you could before he could reach for his gun.

You snatch the duffle bag and shoot right up off the floor to make a run for it, he shouts from the pain of the knife in his thigh and stumbles back onto the wall. You run quickly through the living room and make it to the front door.

You were so close.

So desperately close.

" many times are you going to get your ass whopped by her Jean?" Eren emerges suddenly from the hall and blocks your way out the front, his build of his shoulders alone nearly blocks the entire doorframe.

There was no way for you to get through, you had no weapons at all and Eren was obviously smarted because his gun was in his hand.

His eyes set on you with the bag of money in your hand, a bag you had absolutely no plans of letting fall into their hands.

"What? I don't get the pleasure of being stabbed by you?" He smirks with a head tilt to the side as he looked at you and took a step forward, making you take one back.

"You scared? Don't be scared." He coos teasingly, as if he was belittling you with every word.

You kept taking steps back as he took steps forward, the gun was clutched in his hand and there wasn't anything you could do about it without a bigger risk at hand.

"I said don't be scared sweetheart." He says again and stops walking in the center of your apartment, Jean is against the wall behind you groaning from the pain of the knife but Eren didn't even flinch.

"Do you have a reason to be scared? You plan on snitchin' on me? Is that why you look so terrified?" He asks with a slight squint and you hold the duffle bag a little tighter.

"No. I already told you I won't."

"No bullshit?" He questions and leans his face in a little closer to yours with his arms behind his back neatly.

"No bullshit."

"Good...because I could be real good for long as you don't fuck with me. You don't fuck with me and we're all good darlin'." He states without even a single blink, you remained silent in hopes that this meant he was leaving you be.

"We clear?" He asks to clarify and you nod your head slowly, he walks over to stand in front of Jean with a disgusted expression.

"Get the fuck up." He demands before turning around without offering a hand and heading towards the front door to leave, just before he exits he says one last thing.

"Don't fuck with me. I won't be as forgiving." He reminds once more before leaving and Jean limping out thirty seconds after him, you remain there until you hear them both reach the stairs.

You rushed to your door and slammed it shut then proceeded to lock the door as fast as you could. You weren't a very trusting person as is but especially not couldn't believe a single word that came out his mouth.

Even if you were "safe" now...that doesn't mean your safety is guaranteed for the future.

You turned your head and saw a small pool of blood on your floor, a big cut-out hole in your wall, and dust all over the floor from the wall.


That's all your future held.

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