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"Eren! We have to get up, stop it!" You laugh playfully from under the covers.

"No we don't," he mumbled before kissing your neck again, you turned around and sat up in bed only for him to do the same and kiss along your shoulder.

You had to hold the blanket up to cover your bare chest from behind exposed, Eren didn't care at all. He slipped his hand over to yours as he kissed your shoulder and up to your neck and ear and he pulled your hand down so the blanket would fall.

"It's noon and I'm hungry." You complained, and felt his hand slip to your jaw and turn your head towards him.

"Me too," he says before kissing you tenderly and pulling you on top of him as he lays back with his head on the pillow. He was nearly impossible to resist or even say no to, his hand slipped up your back and he dragged his fingers along the curve of your spine as you kissed, skin to skin.

You were sitting on his lap and enjoying every minute of it despite your hunger for actual food. Eren had grown his hair back out over the years, it was back down to his shoulders and you often found yourself playing with his hair very often. His other hand slipped down to your ass which he gripped in his hand and then slid his tongue against yours.

"Mm—Eren I'm hungry and we've been up in bed for hours," You broke from the kiss to confess but he put his lips right back on yours.

"We never got to finish our honeymoon, let me account for the time we lost." He said back to you and you couldn't even contain your laughter, he was grasping at straws.

"It's been four and a half years since we got married Eren," You reminded him, he flipped you over on your back and put his body on top of yours.

"How many people can say they've been on a honeymoon for four and a half years, hm?" He teased as he lowered himself down your body, kissing between your breasts and down the center of your stomach. Eren had spoiled you beyond comprehension, he'd essentially treated these last four years like it was your honeymoon. He never told you exactly what he did but as far as you knew, he never returned back to the kind of lifestyle and work he did in New York. He didn't even work at all and neither did you.

As he began to spread your legs the lower he got down, you closed them and got out of bed quickly. You grabbed your regular t-shirt off the ground and put it on before he could reel you all the way into staying in bed with him. You were in just your underwear and a shirt but that seemed to be the normal for you two these days.

You slipped on a pair of slippers and when you turned around, Eren was sitting up on the bed looking at you from the edge of the bed. The sheet fell just over his lap, that being the only part of him that was covered.


"Yes, really. I told you, I'm hungry." You replied and he smirked at you.

"I was gonna fill you up." He suggested and you rolled your eyes at him before turning back around to make your way out the room and head to the kitchen downstairs.

You grabbed out a cart of eggs from the refrigerator and some bread to put in the toaster while you cooked. As you were making the eggs, soon enough Eren finally joined you. The only clothes he'd put on were some gray sweats and slippers too, that was all. He came up behind you while you were cooking in the kitchen you had remodeled three times because you were too indecisive. Eren's suggestion was to hustle buy you three more homes for each of the kitchen styles you wanted but you told him that was ridiculous.

He kept his hands on your waist and lowered his head to rest on your shoulder while watching you.  He kept pressing himself up against you but you ignored it and focused on cooking instead because you were so used to his clinginess now.

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